SPN Gen Drabble: "This Tangled Web" (Sam, PG)

Aug 11, 2010 00:56

Title: This Tangled Web
Author: HalfshellVenus
Characters: Sam (Gen, Drabble, Drama)
Rating: PG
Summary (early Season 5): Sam always remembered the biggest lies…
Author's Notes: Happy birthday elanurel! Something early for a change.
Also for Day 6 of the Bleeding Cuticles Roadkill Challenge, and for supernatural100 ("Lies").


Sam always remembered the big ones. A whopper involving the world's largest ball of twine was a lie for the record books.

Others were too weird to forget-'Teddy Bear Doctor' stood out above all the insurance adjustors, FBI agents, and CDC workers he and Dean ever pretended to be.

Hiding his past from Jess was a lie of omission, though his love for her was real.

But lying to Dean about the demon powers and demon blood… that was for a more important good.

Sam never realized he was already working from a carefully edited subset of the truth.

-------- fin --------

my_fic, sn_gen, birthday, drabbles, spn_s5_fic, bleeding_cuticles

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