Happy Birthday to clex_monkie89!

Apr 22, 2010 13:17

I hope you're having a great day, Clex, and that the customers are not being evil. Let there be cake and commissions and all good things! \o/


Tonight, I will NOT forget to watch flashForward (some interesting turns there lately), or the other two thirds of my 9pm triumverate. Still a week behind on Fringe (got waylaid by Netflix discs-S1 of " ( Read more... )

tv, me, random

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Comments 6

clex_monkie89 April 22 2010, 22:18:54 UTC
Aw, thank you, Karen! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥


halfshellvenus April 22 2010, 23:23:47 UTC
You're so welcome! I hope that today, at the minimum, everything goes smoothly for you and that people treat you like the Queen you deserve to be well! ♥


master_chatnoir April 22 2010, 22:20:57 UTC
I love Elizabeth Mitchell, and my weakness for Morris Chestnut could be entirely shallow, but damn-just look at him! So long as those two don't get hurt I'll be happy. Now, emoSon and alienBarbie are another story. I just want them to go away...

AMEN to all of the above! Tho, personally, I'd prefer emoSon and alienBarbie to be ground under the wheel of a very large steamroller. But I adore those names. :)


halfshellvenus April 22 2010, 23:22:33 UTC
Actually yes-- I'd like a much crueler death for them.

I was going to refer to alienBarbie by a slightly different (and more species-specific) name, but I didn't want to have to use a spoiler-cut for it). ;)


colleenish April 25 2010, 01:52:28 UTC
Much like Kate Beckinsale could always be prettier by just being Evangeline Lilly instead.
Okay, I totally cannot agree with this - I personally believe it's the other way around. *g* However, the *way* you said it - seriously made me LOL.

As for Rachel on Glee - yes, what you said, yes. Monotone is definitely not the right word, nor is flat, but there is a certain ... blandness to her that I find irritating. I wish they'd let Mercedes and Tina sing more. I like that show quite a bit, but I often find it weirdly more enjoyable in theory than in actual execution (if that makes any sense at all, heh).


halfshellvenus April 25 2010, 07:44:20 UTC
:D Really? I find Kate B. pretty, but very bland-looking. Evangeline Lilly has the green eyes and the greater "presence," in my book.

but there is a certain ... blandness to her that I find irritating.
I call it the "American Idol" influence. Everyone is striving to belt out songs like some cookie-cutter version of a Pop Idol, and they've lost their individuality (and thus, musicality) along the way.

All of that histrionic wailing makes virtually all of the song "equally intense," which perversely has a flattening effect.

Think of Van Morrison, and his slightly froggy sound, or Bill Withers-- who wasn't afraid to bend the rhythm along with the notes because he was always feeling his way through the song. It's world of difference ( ... )


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