SPN Gen Drabble: "Where Once Were Wings" (Castiel, PG)

Apr 22, 2010 11:29

Title: Where Once Were Wings
Author: HalfshellVenus
Character: Castiel (Gen, Drabble)
Rating: PG
Summary (S5): Castiel disagreed with Dean, but still listened-perhaps too well.
Author's Notes: Only took me almost two years to write seriousCastiel. For supernatural100, this is "Matter."


There was so much here he did not sign up to be.

Darkened highways, forgotten faith, the mantle of humanity on his shoulders where it burned too deep to shed… this was never Castiel's plan.

Caught between the corporeal and the catastrophic, he remembered that it was simpler once. But there was no going back, no unwinding the truth any more than he could hope to unname the stars.

He listened to an anguished mortal (chosen but unwilling)-listened and heard, and somehow he wound up here.

If this was what it meant to fall, he never saw it coming.

-------- fin --------

castiel, my_fic, sn_gen, drabbles, spn_s5_fic

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