SPN Gen Drabble: "Off The Economic Grid" (Sam, Dean, PG)

Apr 15, 2010 18:17

Title: Off The Economic Grid
Author: HalfshellVenus
Characters: Sam, Dean (Gen, Drabble, Humor)
Rating: G
Summary (S4): Some days, it's good to live outside the lines.
Author's Notes: For supernatural100, this is "Acceptable Loss."


"Look at those suckers," Dean crowed, "piling through the post office like it's a drive-through."

"At least they have jobs," Sam said. "Maybe houses and bank accounts, too…"

Dean snorted. "I remember Dad doing taxes, back when he was still legit. Pain in the ass."

"The I.R.S. could come after us someday," Sam reminded him. "That's how they got Al Capone."

"Well, technically I'm dead. And so are you."

"Henderson didn't think so."

"Also dead, so where's the proof?"

"Harsh, Dean."

"Fake IDs and hustling pool, that's the way to go. Lunch? Adam McAdam's paying…"

Sam shrugged. "Yeah, all right."

-------- fin --------

spn_s4_fic, my_fic, sn_gen, birthday, drabbles

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