Supernatural Gen Drabble: "Bozo Hair, Big Shoes, And Bad, Bad Things" (Sam, Dean, PG)

Jul 25, 2009 11:12

Title: Bozo Hair, Big Shoes, And Bad, Bad Things
Author: HalfshellVenus
Characters: Sam and Dean (Drabble, Gen, All-Dialogue, Humor)
Rating: PG
Summary (Pre-Series): One kid's fun is another kid's phobia…
Author's Notes: Happy birthday, unhobbityhobbit!
Also for spn_drabble, this is "Clowns."


"Ooh Sammy, look over here, they have a-"


"Hey, what's the matter? You don't like clowns? Well, okay. Maybe when you're older. Let's get some cake..."


"Aw, c'mon Sam! Dad, can't we at least go to McDonald's sometime? It's been a whole year already. C'mon!"


"Dude, what the hell is this you're watching?"

"Killer Clowns From Outer Space."

"It looks disgusting. And you hate-"

"Exactly. Now I have proof."


"Jesus, what the-Sam, put the gun down!"

"Nuh-uh, I'm gonna get him."

"It's just some guy wearing a costume. He's not evil."

"Says you."

"Put it down!"

-------- fin -------

spn_pre_series, my_fic, sn_gen, birthday, drabbles, all_dialogue, wee-winchesters

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