Happy Holidays, Everyone

Dec 24, 2007 15:49

First, I want to thank the wonderful deirdre_c for the LJ gift-- a sweet little snow globe! That brightened up my evening last night, when I was online until 2:30am trying to fix a code problem at work and uploading photos to Walgreens and generally going nuts. Thank you so much!

I also got a Christmas card a few days ago from athrosknot, and one earlier from witchofthedogs, who are both SO much more on the ball than I am. I did all of my Christmas cards... yesterday. Yes. jasmasson sent me an adorable e-card last night, which makes me ponder whether my family would let me go that route instead. :)

I hope all of you have a wonderful Christmas, Kwanzaa, much-needed break or whatever these next few days are to you. You've made the last year much richer for me, and I really enjoy your company!

Since I see time slipping away, I'm going to remind any stragglers (like me!) to vote in the pbslash awards before Dec. 31, when time runs out. I might very well be on the road that day, so I need to hop to it myself. WHY is there always the procrastination?

Love and chocolate greetings to one and all!
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