Title: Under Cover Of Night
Author: HalfshellVenus
Characters: Sam/Dean (Wincest)
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Drabble on "Secrets beneath the blankets" for
"I've done this before," Sam says, the words falling in a whisper between breaths.
"Done what? This?" Dean emphasizes his words with a tight thrust and twist that makes Sam moan
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Comments 33
I love the title you picked for it.
It was like poetry itself as I read it.
Thanks for sharing.
It's a common phrase for military uses, but it really fit with deadbeat_nymph's prompt-- and the idea of sneaking in both secrets and lies in the dark.
Glad you liked it! Thank you. :)
Even as Sam is hurting him, Dean *still* takes care of him and covers up his own pain. Such love.
And Sam doesn't even realize that he's telling Dean something Dean doesn't want to know. So typical, and so "ouch."
Love the icon. :)
And I love the diction. I love the effect of the ess alliteration here: Sam's gasps soon swallow . Alliteration is a tricky thing; sometimes it sounds contrived, but here it really works. And, Dean rides to the poetry of sweet agony on Sam's face, is just lovely.
Actually, as I re-read it, the diction is really impressive overall. Every line has an aesthetic quality that seduces me.
Thank you for my drabble. :D
I've thought that since Season 1, even with just the most basic fact that Sam could leave Dean but Dean couldn't leave him. Not to mention cutting Dean off for several years. :(
that longing for something you already have.
I love this phrasing, because I know that exact feeling, and when you're the one who loves more it's very real. Sam's here now, but why and for how long?
is a tricky thing; sometimes it sounds contrived, but here it really works.
I love alliteration far too much, but in this case it was entirely accidental. The words came out really quickly on this one-- hardly any wordsmithing or the usual forcing up or down to 100 words. That's pretty rare!
Every line has an aesthetic quality that seduces me.
Eeeee! \o/
Thank you for my drabble. :D
With feedback like this, the pleasure was all mine! ♥
Did you get to take a peek at the ones I wrote recently for lj gifts? They're kinda schmoopy to me, but I like 'em.
Happy holidays to you!
Glad you liked this one. Merry Christmas!
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