Mar 21, 2008 15:51
I don't really know what you all want me to say.
I was with Alex, and before Alex i was with Jack.
Jack's pregnant and the baby is mine.
No, i didnt 'dump Alex' for Jack.
I did it for other reasons.
I felt like shit.
I liked Jack still and I didnt think it was fair to be with Alex,
to tell him that i loved him and all these things
(which were true.. though now i don't think he believes me)
when i still had strong feelings for Jack.
I feel like a complete asshole already so you don't have to bombard me with shit.
As it was pointed out to me clearly, various times in away messages and such
I need to learn how to grow up and stop running away from my problems etc.
I have to learn how to solve them and 'man up' basically.
well i am done with the problems.
I'm sorry, I broke up with Alex.
We're not in a relationship anymore.
edited this last part.
it was un-needed