apparently I like to say im going to write about my weekend and then I decide to never do it...oh well, ill follow up with that shortly, but first:
whining and spilling my love..that takes talent. WARNING, it’s long…but if you’re reading this, you’re probably in here. )
Comments 5
i love you and feel the same way. we have grown so close lately and i love it. i love our conversations in study too. when i was fighting with timmy i couldnt trust anyone to talk to besides kay then you showed me that you would listen and you were there for me and didnt judge me. that meant soo much to me. i love you so much <3 im here for you always and forever. i love you Jessica Elizabeth Valletta.
ex oh tanya
listen girl. i love you. you're so funny and you make me laugh non-stop, the shit with me and our own issues that we've always had, i won't first i did think it was fucked up, but as long as the two of you are happy. i just want you to be careful, ok? don't feel bad, it's not your just ended up in a twisted situation. my level of respect for u hasn't dropped and i see you no differently, jared on the other on my shit list :-)
i love you hunny bunches of oats.
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