i've hit the sack / it's been to long, i'm glad to be back

Jan 04, 2011 19:52

 Oh god oh god oh god, remember when I used to post on LiveJournal? Oh man, remember that?!

Wow, so after months of stagnation, months of hanging around doing a big, fat nothing, a TON has happened in a very short period of time. I've moved to Canada, Vancouver, to be specific, and have just had my first day of graduate school. It's been pretty nuts. I move into residence tomorrow with three strangers with whom I've never spoken. I have my first proper class in 18 months tomorrow afternoon. My boxes, including all my bedding (whoops), are arriving on Monday. I'm running on adrenaline and coffee fumes at this point, but it's done. I'm out of Illinois and into a real, grown-up life. Where apparently everyone is married or paired up (jeepers says the single girl).

So yes, fic. Fic fic fic. I've written the rest of Blood on the Saddle, true facts. It's just a matter of typing it up and posting it. Expect some updates in that department soon. This is due primarily to europa_kore  who messaged me and asked me to finish the series. How could I say no?

In addition, I'm going to be uploading my backlog of fic onto this journal, but I'll do my best not to spam anyone with OBSCURE FIC from NON-EXISTANT FANDOMS!

Ah LiveJournal, good to be back.
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