Okay, I simply cannot believe this is happening, but there's been some issues about the fact that I chose to make McCoy from Kentucky as opposed to Georgia over at Fandom Secrets. I'm not super active in any one fandom. Hell, I just wrote this series on a whim, but apparently it's inspired not only fans, but haters as well.
Apparently, Georgia, and not Kentucky like I wrote, is McCoy's home state, though it's more properly the "Old South." The whole reason I started writing for the kink meme is because it seemed so welcoming and wank-free. But dudes, if
this is what goes on in the nuTrek fandom? Then holy cow, guys, I feel pretty safe in saying that the Rough-and-Tumble series is complete. If y'all are here to follow for more Trek fic, then I can't promise you anything. Yes, I have a McCoy/Chapel in the works, but I don't have a timeline on that business. So if you unfriend or unfollow, I totally understand and I'll see you on the other side, brothers.
I'll start uploading my other writings in other fandoms, and then let people hate on me for shipping Kara/Leoben in BSG or Zero/Azkadelia in Tin Man.