Jan 02, 2020 17:59
Naiz two meat yu.
This is
satoshitomi's writing journal, yo.
I bring bullet-lists! 8D
- Yes, she knows she's not that good in writing fics but she likes to contribute tripe and garbage to the interrwebz so much that she decided it was time to make a journal.
- Her favorite pairings are SakuMoto and OhMiya (god bless them and their pitiful fictional futures in her stories).
- She likes ArashiDrama crossovers as much as she loves cheese (and that's what you can call true love).
- Her muses consists of five very ghei men dancing daintly and wearing sparkly, ass-popping pants.
- I like zombies
- and cheese
- and pasta.
- I am fail. Awezum fail.
- YAY.
humor me,
obligatory opening post,
l: drabble,