May 09, 2004 15:42
Lets make this simple, set fire to the stars and you may watch the sky burn. No more sunny horizons or pale white moons, just a simple crimson color melting close to your eyelids. Now all that has to be done would be for you to strike a match and throw it to the wick. Its so perfect and beautiful that no longer will there be night, no longer will be there be a place for things such as sense or sight
Chances to start over and take advantage of the things that really do matter in life are hard to come by. Everyone makes mistakes, but mistakes are made because we learn from them. If you don’t learn from mistakes and you repeat the same things over, what’s the point of life? People shouldn’t expect good things to happen to them when they don’t learn from the bad. But sometimes a reminder is needed that the life you lead is the one you want to be living. A lot has happened in the past week and some of it has been rather stressful on me. But being on the road reminds me of all the things really are important in life such as tiffany, my friends and my family. Not only do I miss them all but sitting here I wonder what everyone is doing back hone with out me. I know its hard on all of them for me to be gone, but they realize that this is important to me. I am living my dream, and doing what I have wanted to do since I was a little kid. Its its nice to know that they will support me with my dream and not give up on me. Everyday it seems as if my dream is turning more into a reality and I am getting closer to what I have always wanted.
What do I want?
I want to live a life that I can support a family doing something that I truly enjoy and that thing would be music. I know its not the most practical thing and I know its going to be hard. But I have done this for 6 years and there is no way anyone will stop me from being truly happy..
just a message from me,
take care michigan