Random Lyric

Sep 01, 2008 21:13

Does anyone knows song titled Kage sung by Shibasaki Kou?

I knew this song when i was watching dorama called Byakuyakou. The story is very interesting and have a very deep intricacy that would drown a watcher like me to the deepest angst emotion.

A story telled about a boy and a girl who try to hide thier darkest secret, killing their own parent. If you watch the film, it would tell you the reason behind their action, but i will never giving you spoiler^^. So the story goes, they're growing, keep silence about their past, living a normal live like anyone do. When the secret, they wary hide, about to reveal, they must do something to keep their achievement in balancing their darkest past and falsehood present, being a murder once again.

The background of the story realy gloomy, dark, thrill, buat also sad. They could not achieve genuine happy live because a secret they've been kept for a rest of their live. And to keep that secret, they adding more and more sin, spilling blood from their own bare hands. As an implication, they feel jealousy when someone around them feel glad. And they always in  need to shatter everyone' hapiness because they cannot feel so.

Really a touching story from the very first till the end.

As a rememberance and proove of admiring of this dorama, I've searching for the soundtrack for a longggggggggggggggggg time. Almost a year, but definitely, i'm fool. Because i can download it easily in Mega Upload.

Here's the translation:

I wonder where I am now?

In that place where I stand,
I don’t really have many interests.
But when we are together, we stand out.

From the beginning
We never had anything to rely on.
But I’m sure there’s no need
To savour the gentleness…

Aaa but then, even if this weight disappears,
We can be together,
Sinners who should love.

This morning that holds such sorrow,
Is my last little thing bit of strength I have left.
I will see a vision of you.
And I won’t be afraid alone…
Is what I quietly whispered to myself.

My mother used to say
"There is nothing here
We don't have anything...
To look for"

In order to not sink to the bottom
Your figure from behind
Shows an unknown potential
Piecing nearly broken dream
Lets end the day piecefully

Surrounding you and making you...
One of a kind nourishment
I mutterred quietly

In order for you to seize your happiness,
Lets hope to become each others fake sun.
We will lose a few years,
But before that, what will be left,
Is what comes after the tears

Tell me what do you think?

I used this song for my fic titled 'Hatimu Berkata Demikian' or 'Your Heart Said So'. Fandom Death Note. But cause of my inability, i apologize to whoever has interest to read that fic, have to mastered Indonesian language^^. I'm not so sure with my ability in English.

And here's the link to download the song:

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