player history meme.............

Dec 26, 2010 13:51


Hidari Shoutarou from "Kamen Rider W" (halfhard)

App Percentage: 70.0%
Played From: May 2010 - present
That's How Long? Seven months...
Total Comments: 1834
Overall Pecentage: 45.42%
Reason For Apping: I WANTED TO. Shoutarou is full of derp and grumpy and detective and awesome. Also, toku cast. I just really loved him and thought it would be fun.
Select Option 3? He's difficult sometimes but I can't think of dropping him.

Takasugi Rin from "Delicious Gakuin" (cookingrainbow)

App Percentage: 88.0%
Played From: June 2010 - present
That's How Long? Six months
Total Comments: 821
Overall Pecentage: 20.33%
Reason For Apping: I stalked Nango for ages and then figured 'hey I am here now I can app things' so I. Apped a pretty? I have always been meaning to play from this canon anyway.
Select Option 3? AIBAAAAAAAAA

Yukimura Seiichi from "The Prince of Tennis" (buchoucompelsu)

App Percentage: 85.7%
Played From: September 2010 - present
That's How Long? Three/four months- wow is that all?
Total Comments: 676
Overall Pecentage: 16.74%
Reason For Apping: I was going to app from this series eventually, but then Inui apped and 'eventually' became 'now'. I debated on who to app for a long time and this guy wasn't even on the original list of options, but I have always felt the most confident playing him and Dream Live 7th had just come out and Massu pinged me in the Yukimuralove again.
Select Option 3? MASSUUUUUU also I just love playing with him a whole lot. He's the easiest to get CR with for me.

Mizusawa Taku from "Tumbling" (wednesdenial)

App Percentage: 94.2%
Played From: October 2010 - present
That's How Long? Three months
Total Comments: 431
Overall Pecentage: 10.67%
Reason For Apping: Fell in love with Tumbling, couple of us were discussing it in tokuchan one day and apps came up and then I had a username idea and with Kiyama apping I couldn't not app him. :( Plus he is adorable.
Select Option 3? Sometimes I wish he wasn't so awk so I could do more things with him.

Sollux Captor from "Homestuck" (appleberrybla2t)

App Percentage: 90.7%
Played From: November 2010 - present
That's How Long? Twoish months
Total Comments: 276
Overall Pecentage: 6.84%
Reason For Apping: The influx of Homestuck apps a month earlier made me go and read the canon and Sollux hit me in my duality places. Plus he is the Gemini troll and I am a Gemini and no one had posted for betas for him yet :x
Select Option 3? This cast is all amazing and I struggle to keep up a lot of the time.

I've played here HOW long? 215 days
Overall Comment Count: 4038
Average Comments Per Day: 19 comments/day
Shortest Kept: Sollux Captor (55 days and counting)
Longest Kept: Hidari Shoutarou (215 days and counting)
Most Played: Hidari Shoutarou (1834)
Least Played: Sollux Captor (276)
Highest Percentage: Mizusawa Taku (94.2%)
Lowest Percentage: Hidari Shoutarou (70.0%)
Number of successful apps: 5 out of... 5...

*ooc, *meme

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