Jan 31, 2006 06:32
mk so i am seriously considering being completely silent when in the presence of a select few ppl here at metro--
every word that comes outa my mouth turns into an arguement or debate about how i cant do something right. i tell you "i bought some blue gatorade powder yesterday, and mixed it with some water---i didnt like it tho"
normal statement right? nothing offending, nothing controversial. it turns into a full blown lets scream at stacy cuz shes completely imcompetant and i feel like I HAVE TO MAKE A FUCKIN COMMENT EVERY TIME SHE OPENS HER MOUTH AND ENLIGHTEN HER WITH ME AMAZIMG WISDOM---cuz i dont know how she could make it through the day if i didnt make sure that she was aware that everything she did was kinda wrong and kinda stupid and she just kinda missed out on some of the vital peices of information in life that you just gotta no like "who originally sings stairway to heaven" or some retarded shit like that
well I think those ppl missed out on a pretty important peice of life information too---NOT EVERYONE WANTS TO HERE A FUCKIN COMMENT ABOUT EVERYTHING THEY SAY---when i say something that doesnt mean im puttin a debate topic out on the table---and im perfectly capable of functioning without your lil "stacy's a dumbass lets let her no it" comments
theres plenty of ppl that look up to the ppl that treat me like that----maybe they should go lay there wisdom on some of those ppl---cuz i def dont look up to them or admire them and i def dont need there dumb advice about how many cups to put in gatorade or i dunno ne of the stupid tidbits they give me
and i no ppl no what im talkin about---and i no they agree