Apr 29, 2007 19:50
This weekend is/was the r00l.
Saturday we went to the amusment center and played those games where you drop in the coin, and it falls on a platform, and the platform pushes it, and all the coins stack up, and eventually fall off. And you know how no-one ever wins. Well we won. We got the super jackpot(2000 coins fall from above!), and we ended up with 1400 coins! THAT'S A LOT OF COINS!
Sunday/Today was awesome too. We had a trip to the mountains with the Aussie, New Zeland, japan association. It's was prety fun. ALTs(Assistant Language Teachers aka JETs) are wierd. Only like 1 in 5 seems to be normal, the rest are rather whiny, attention seeking, immature people. And I think they the people I sat with for lunch kept refering to me as the white guy assuming I wouldn't realise, or maybe they were refering to a black guy, both words are similar. But they were saying nice things regardless. After lunch we played on a playground that was roped off, and showed of to some little kids. We are bad influences. We impressed all the old Japanese people by acting like 5 year olds and climbing things, or hangin of stuff. Much fun.
Then on the way home, on the train, two poeple sat next to me. And then one of them pulled out a thing of rice balls, and gave one to her BFand then offered one to me, and I took it. Then we got into a conversation. it was really out of the blue, and fun. they asked about things like; "where are you from?" "is it true that there are few poeple in Canada?" "What are famous Canadian foods?" "How old are you?", etc etc. It was really fun.
Tomorrow I'm going to Fukui ken, to some amusment park. it's a long weekend so i can do that! Should be fun.
Tuesday, I'm taking the day off to do Field Work! I'M PLANTING RICE! this way I feel like I'm supporting myself!
Wednesday I have School, but it will be the only day that week.
As for Kali's question, I'm coming home on July 15th. I forget what time, but I think It's 2 hours before I leave!
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