I swear, I keep saying I will start more conversations over this thing, but then I forget to pick up the journal. I guess I'm just not the diary type. If this thing were a blog, it'd probably be easy to whip up something every day, but somehow picking up a pen and actually writing is the biggest task ever. I feel like if I stop and get hooked on this thing I might slack off, too, and then I'd just sit around forever. I'm simultaneously a victim and a survivor of the Facebook era.
Life is good otherwise, though. No marriages, no awkwardness, no lousiness. And I'm only a few weeks off the two year mark. Fun, fun stuff.
---- Dick ----
I've invited Claire to Titans training. When are we getting started?
---- Tim and Claire ----
Call me a stalker if you want, but room 404 opened up and I haven't changed rooms in six months, so I snagged it. What's up, new neighbours?