Epik High concert left me with such an epic HIGH.
I ventured with
rabbitattack and saw
swtjemz!!! :)
I am still in awe by their performance. I have to admit that there seemed to be a lot of snooty fans soompi that weren't afraid to push you out of their way D: Especially with the mosh-pit-of-DOOM that was the concert goods. I had to crawl my way out, and as I did I could feel the crowd closing in! Some more snooty fans holding up signs and blocking my way, though Tablo got a kick out of one of them (it said "Let's get F***ED up" on one side, "CAN I SUCK YOUR 고추?" on the other O____O!) (actually one guy had a "Let's go WEST!" sign and I thought that was hilarious) One girl pushed her way through the row and pretty much danced ON me (GOD), I wanted to smack her. Do not want.
It was assigned seating, but once Tablo jumped down from the stage, a HUGE crowd surged forward! I stayed back because suddenly my view was completely clear :3 I hung out in the aisle (dead center, yesserie ♥) Although I couldn't resist joining in on the crazy once Map the Soul (Worldwide Version) started... and then they closed with FAN!! My legs and arms are so sore from jumping and waving - surprisingly my voice and hearing are in tact XDDDD
My favorite performance (they were ALL spectacular) was the acoustic turned dance rending of One - there's a fancam of it, of course,
on Youtube :D Absolutely beautiful ♥
FAR*EAST MOVEMENT brought intergalactic dance to the floor
Kero One got people grooving
Beatbox DG sexified SexyBack
MYK was speechless but kept the music going
Tukutz got the crowd going wild and called us AWESOME
Mithra was heartfelt and a mastermind
and Tablo was the translator of the night ♥
My only partial regret is that we were told that there was a NO CAMERA policy, but people brought 'em in anyway. So,
firefly_wish and I were bummed :( In any case, it let me focus on the actual concert and experience rather than staring through a tiny camera screen XD; Was also bummed they didn't keep merchandise out afterwards, since I want to pick up FAR*EAST MOVEMENT's album now :( (is anyone going to the LA/Seattle/NY concerts??)
Most amazing concert ever, I'm going to be listening to Epik High on repeat for weeks.
And I encourage you all to, too... bukibeat bukibeat bukibeat