I'm following the "trend" by putting all of my resources in one post :] Feel free to comment on this entry if you have any questions regarding the sources, have one to contribute (!), see that I've forgotten to give you credit, there's a broken link, or you have a general comment.
Comments 18
savvy_elf's resources
Vicky (halffling) for sheer inspiration.
You never cease to amaze me.
I'll be sure to add you to this post as well <333
first, vicky...
then, THE WORLD!!!!!!!!
*will shut up now.*
really sweet of you, dear. loffloff. <3=)
You're such a silly goose, I loff you :) <33
Sorry to make this post all "To be continued..." cliffhanger like .__.
*giggles* You're psychic or something... I'm actually writing a tutorial on how to do that right now =)
LOL! I must be! *grins* Awesome, I'll wait for it then, I'm not in a hurry or anything so whenever it gets done ;o) Thank you!!! *glee* <333
LOL thank ye! *pets the Phantom* AND YOUR ICON! I need to make more Gerry ones... ::twitch::
Ah! Okay, I was afraid you were in a hurry, hee. I'm sorry cause I don't know how long I'll take to finish, hopefully by this weekend though. Some other people have been interested in how I did it (and frankly, I did it by accident. But it looked nifty =] )
*is gabbering too much*
<3!! And you're most welcome, dear!
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