I return to the world of LJ as a graduate of San Francisco State's Class of 2007! HUZZAH!
The commencement ceremony was Saturday. Thought it dragged on a bit too long~ Was actually okay with it being overcast, since I'm happily un-sunburned XD Congratulations to everyone else who has graduated (or will be graduating) ♥ Whether it be college or high school, it's one chapter done, while another begins!
That night went to a barbeque at my aunt's, and decided to watch Pirates of the Caribbean 1 and 2 in anticipation of At World's End, which I saw yesterday :D
... am I the only one sorely disappointed in it?
I really liked the first half of the film. Extremely! However, I think I was expecting way too much. This film was what I thought the first one would be, but thankfully wasn't. Hmm, I think once Elizabeth was named Captain, it all went downhill for me. I'm just going to jump around because I've no coherent thoughts:
- Jack Sparrow's hallucinations: WHAT. PEANUT. They were amusing at first, then a little disturbing, and then just plain confusing. Although I always welcome throngs of Sparrows 8DD Depp was perfect as always, though I got the impression that Jack was *less* clever and on-top-of-things in this movie. Hmm.
- Keith Daddy!Sparrow Richards: Why so useless! I was soooooooo looking forward to this, but his cameo ended up having no point! He appeared out of nowhere with a dictionary the Code, played/broke a ukulele, and left. He didn't fight! He barely spoke! I was expecting wise words to his Jackie! :(
- Jack Sparrow: How's mum?
Daddy!Sparrow: *holds up shrunken head*
Jack Sparrow: She looks... great.
Daddy!Sparrow: Yeah, she's working on the Knight Bus now.
- Davy Jones's Will Turner's Locker: When becoming CAPTAIN, you get a BANDANA and INSTANT EYELINER! Hat sold separately, batteries not included, some assembly required.
Okay, so he instantly made The Flying Dutchman hot with his open shirt of gratuitious skin, but... whyyyy? I didn't like the constant need of immortality in the storyline. I like a sense of mortality, that people -can't- live forever. I concluded that just because he's such a major character, they didn't want to kill him off. So they cut out his heart and made him captain. The whole ten-years bit was cheesy, too. It was predictable that they'd have a (superPRETTY) kid thanks to the Lovin' Elizabeth's Knee scene, so I felt I waited until the end for nothing. Meh. Oh, did I mention he's heartless?! I'm sure hoping that I'm missing a major point in this plotline, because I see nothing good about it.
Oh right, and when he was stabbed by Davy, all I could think of was, "Noooo! FRODOOOO!" >>;
- The Death of Mr. Ice Cream Cone: I r sad! :( However, along the lines of what I said above, I'm okay with Norrington dying. As much as I love love love him :( He -did- redeem himself in the end, and after thinking about it, he only really lived for Elizabeth. Since he knew that there was no hope in that, he sacrificed himself. Unfortunately, I wished he got all dirty-and-piratey again before he died (in battle!) -- but at least he sworded Jones :) Not happy, though, that it was Daddy!Turner's doing :( Boo. That brings me to:
- Bootstrap Daddy!Turner Bill: Went insane. Kills Norrington. Shuns Elizabeth. Cuts out his son's heart. WHAT. Tell me again, why did we want to save him? He would have been a better choice as Captain of The Flying Dutchman in my opinion. Bootstrap's Locker -- nice ring to it ;)
- Daddy's Little Girl: Elizabeth transitioned a little too fast for me. I liked her better in the first film, it was more balanced between "Princess" and "Pirate". All I got from her from this film was angst and skank. Really, there was no point in her taking off her pants when she was in Singapore. None! She was too easily forgiven for trying to, and succeeding in, killing Jack. And her becoming Captain, let alone KING of the CAPTAINS, was a little too much. After that moment I stopped enjoying the film. Didn't really see a point in the Governor dying, but again, I was pleased that they said he was at peace and they couldn't bring him back. It was a very solemn moment.
- The Krusty Krab: Overall, Davy Jones disappointed. He was absolutely terrifying in the second film! I think they were trying to show that he was being controlled by the East India Trading Co., which is why he came off as so weak. Still, when he died, I wish that he slowly transformed back into a human while plummeting into the maelstrom. Instead of just... plummeting :( Really, though, I was expecting some win-win solution to all of this. Like they'd GIVE him his heart back (versus stabbing it D:), so he'd be able to FEEL and be happy again, then die in peace. I don't know! Some sort of Disney ending!
Also, he was involved in some moments where I didn't know whether to laugh or be sad. Like when Tia made him human for a few moments (!!! ♥), but then his claw got stuck in the bars. Sentimental, or humorous? :\
Commodore James Norrington: *stabs*
Captain Jack Sparrow: You have no idea.
Me: Honestly, aren't you tired of asking that? I really can't take you seriously anymore, especially since you're standing in a bucket of water.
- Calypso: Lady of the Crabs: ANOTHER WTH. SHE BECAME GIANT, ROARED IN AN INCOHERENT LANGUAGE, AND SHATTERED INTO CRABS. Not even the cool WHITEROCK!crabs... BUT NORMAL CRABS. She's an entity, a goddess - yet she had such a lame release! (minus Ragetti's love whisper XDD) Ahh, she deserved better.
- Captain Sao Feng: This is Chow Yun-Fat, people. WHY DOES HE NOT HAVE A FIGHT SCENE? Why does he DIE while being all molesty on Elizabeth? That was a true, true shame. Ugh.
- Cutler Beckett: ... coward. He didn't even die in an awesome way. Evil people must die a horrific death! After all he went through, I was angry that he had such a lack-luster ending. Disappointing pseudo-dramatic walking-down-of-steps-with-CG-flying-wood-pieces.
- East India Coins: WHAT WERE THESE FOR? They were plot-pointed all the way throughout the film... and then disappeared.
- Pirate Lords from Around the World: WE ARE READY TO FIGHT!
Main Characters: *fight*
Maelstrom: *whirlwinds*
Pirate Lords from Around the World: *do nothing*
Weather: *rains*
Will and Elizabeth: *marry*
Battle: *ends*
Pirate Lords from Around the World: HUZZAH! WE WON THE FIGHT AND ARE LEFT UNSCATHED! *cheers*
Please, don't get me wrong! I didn't hate the film, I just felt... that it wasn't exactly executed properly. Or that things could have been done differently.
I did enjoy the Up is Down sequence of the movie - when they overturned the ship before sunset. That was an amazing portion of the film, easily one of my favorite scenes ♥ ♥ It really showcased Sparrow's madness brilliance.
Speaking of, Jack pulling the boat! And when he had a bigger telescope than Barbossa XDDDD LOVE.
Additionally, Barbossa was fantastic throughout. Rush really embodied the character, and it seemed like he was having a blast XD Although I wonder WHERE IS THE APPLE?! :(
Lastly, musical score = amazing as always. :DD
... all right, I think I ranted enough XDD I'm now going to spend this fabulous day... organizing, cleaning, looking for sales, and other stuff. WHEEE.