Jul 15, 2009 08:28
I keep writing Doctor Who fic at the moment. I feel kind of bad for abandoning my anime fic, but you just have to roll with what you're into right now, don't you? Otherwise it doesn't get done.
I've been thinking of starting a filter with drafts and writing that might not get finished. Stuff I don't want to post publicly, because then it gets mixed up with the actual finished writing that I link to communities, but which I'd still like to get read, or want feedback on. When I'm writing really LONG things, I try to get the whole thing finished or mostly-finished before I post it publicly, to avoid the trailing-off problem. But the downside of that is that it's a long slog and encouragement is nice, and even if stuff doesn't get finished it'd be nice to show it to someone.
Should I just post this stuff to friends-only, or should I make a filter? If the latter, who wants to be on it?
(Sometimes I think about filtering all my fandom posts given that I know there are people on my flist who really don't care about it. But I like having that stuff public.)