
Aug 10, 2008 14:19

Look, I'm sick and I can't go out. This tends to lead to posting. Especially when I have questions.

C. S. Lewis. Narnia. There's some article about religious allegory in fiction for youngsters or SOMETHING that I've been seeing quoted around in the last few days, and it refers to the Narnia series as having 'conservative ideology'. Now, I'll admit that it's been quite a long time since I last read the books, but I don't remember them being very conservative. Christian allegory, yes. Very yes. Heavily yes. We all know Aslan is Jesus, right?

But 'Christian' and 'conservative' are NOT automatic bedfellows, so I'm puzzled about the 'conservative' reading of the books. Can anyone enlighten me? I'm not saying it's not there, just that I don't remember it.


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