Title: Never Summary: Sayid makes a wish for Shannon Notes: Not a true drabble (157 words) but written for the lostsquee drabble prompt "Wish," and also for the lostfichallenge prompt, "In Loving Memory."
Nice. It works well with the wishing idea, and I like how here wishes have become entwined with regret. I think that works very well for Sayid, who he is and who he's become.
Thank you. He is very much a man of sorrow and regret but I also think he's too practical to really let himself think "what if" and he was just indulging himself for a moment here. Glad you liked this.
Ahh, well you know I'm all about the melancholia! And it is such a sadly romantic idea, that he'd undo everything they had together, if that was the only way she could still be alive. (I suppose anyone might do it for someone they loved, but it is still a noble gesture, and so absolutely something Sayid would do, if he could.) Thank you, hon.
As you say, longer than strict drabble criteria, but excellent drabble form in that you've put much into so few words and wrapped it up with a very powerful ending. Maybe it's because his indulgence in what if is only momentary, but it gave me chills, it did!
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