TV, Puppies, and Weekend Fun

Jan 20, 2009 21:56

Sage and I have been watching a lot of "Dexter" lately. We're halfway through season two. It's fascinating-- great acting, good storylines, and lots of surprises. You end up sympathizing with a serial killer. After going to the Marcyniuk trial, I had to take a month off from watching it. I couldn't deal with it. The break did the trick, though, and now we've picked up where we left off.

Speaking of tv, the season premiere of "Lost" is tomorrow night. I can't wait! My dad, his girlfriend Lorel, my sister, and her husband Edison are all coming over for dinner and then a watch party. Woot! I just have to get the house straightened up before then.

Our new puppy, Bella, is a mess and a half. She's the one in my icon. She's a puggle (half pug/half beagle), and she's a rescue dog. My father-in-law got her from a guy he met at a gas station; the guy was about to take her and her sister to the river to drown them. What a jerk. She's so funny, with her wide-set eyes and little underbite. She's about 10 weeks old and around 8 pounds. We're still working on housetraining her. We have to take her out in the middle of the night, which is a cold and miserable chore. She and Zoe (our other dog) love to play, and Zoe's getting more exercise now, which is great.

Friday night, Sage and I are going to the Lucero show at George's. At least I hope Sage will go; it won't surprise me if he backs out. It's impossible to get that guy out of the house. Elena's going, though, and I'm trying to convince Carly and Alishia to go too. Then on Saturday night, Carly and Alishia and I are having a Bollywood night. Awesomeness.
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