Settled in.

Sep 27, 2007 02:30

So, I haven't posted here in a long while.  Point in fact, I haven't even looked at this site in a long while.  Update time!

I decided to move back to Oklahoma.  I really liked living close to my Father and Sister, but I just feel more comfortable in Oklahoma.  Also, it is far to expensive for me to live  in the Keys long term.  I saved up some of my hard earned money, and strapped as much stuff to my motorcycle as I could.  I boxed or tossed the rest, and away we go.  Exciting cross country bike trip ensues.

I made it to Oklahoma, and back to the Ranch.  Stayed with Mom for a while, and realigned myself with OK.  Had a nice visit.  Fixed a few little items around the house, made beer, enjoyed the rural life.   Decided to move to Stillwater again.

I like Stillwater!  It is big, but not too big.  It is close to OKC, but not too close.  Most of my friends are there, and some of my enemies.  My favorite bar is in it, and my favorite restaurant too.  It has nice parks, and rent is very reasonable.  I admit that there are some bad memories in this town, but they are out weighed by the good.  It has everything I need to live a happy and vigorous life.  Will I stay forever?  I don't think so, but I could and be satisfied.

I moved to Stillwater.  I had decided that I needed a house to live in, and so, I found one.  I am living in a cool little house in the middle of town.  When I first saw the house, it was nighttime and still there were shadows cast on it.  It sat in it's wide yard and brooded at passersby.  It is pretty old, and someone neglected it.  That being said, it is surrounded with shade trees, has a garage filled with neat stuff from previous owners, is fronted by a good sized porch which catches a nice breeze, has big bedrooms, a suitably sized bathtub, and a large basement.  It is a gem.  I did need to do some serious cleaning.  I'm talking, do the rosary, update your will cleaning.  Scrub, mop, sweep, steam, bleach, repair, prune.  It is looking good.  I even put up a rope in one of the front trees, so you can pirate swing off the raised porch and into the side yard.  You never know when you might need a quick escape.  I can hang my punching bag from that same rope and wail on that son of a bitch.  I am disgustingly self satisfied with my living quarters.

I am not so happy about my job, in that I don't have one.  Now that I am settled, I will need something to keep me busy and pay for internet, food, and gasoline.  I knew before coming back that the job situation in Stillwater can be bleak.  I will trust to providence and hope something good comes along.

Otherwise, I have been having pretty much all fun since I got back.  When I am not cleaning or job searching, I have been hanging out with good friends, tasting bar drinks, playing far too many multiplayer video games than is healthy, testing the waters of the social scene, reading many books, keeping odd hours, causing trouble because I can, and riding my bike in a manner obviously superior to those who have not taken their bikes on vast and monumental treks through the dangers of the open road.  All I'm saying it that you haven't lived until you have dodged flying metal debris at 85 mph, or slept armed to fend off depraved highway bandits.  
So, yeah, I am wearing sandals and riding around town in my gym shorts!  Fuck you!  Stick your pretty boy bike where it don't shine.  I earned it.  Jerk.

P.S. My friend Dustin just opened up Halo 3.  It is...addictive and well put together.  I will have it in my house soon.

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