fic: Vices and Virtues (Apollo/Thalia, PG-13)

Nov 30, 2011 15:43

Title: Vices and Virtues
Rating: PG-13
Characters/Pairings: Apollo/Thalia, with mentions of Luke Castellan
Summary: Apollo was, according to popular belief, a bad person. But he wasn't.
Notes: I think it’s mediocre, but this is what I’ve been doing instead of making an interpretative script on William Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night.

Apollo was, according to popular belief, a bad person. He kissed girls and left them to cry. He kissed boys and left without saying goodbye. But with Thalia Grace, daughter of Zeus, he was a completely different person.

Thalia Grace’s electric blue eyes watered as she watched Luke Castellan’s - her friend, her family - ashes being blown away by the wind. Her fingers were closed around her bow as if she were readying herself for a battle and her grip was so tight that her knuckles were turning white.

The only daughter of Zeus was trying her best to keep it together - she was Artemis’ lieutenant, for god’s sake, she wasn’t supposed to be crying over a boy - and when everyone had gone into their cabins, she stared blankly at where Luke’s body had been until her legs gave way. She let the tears fall, her eyes stinging and the sky seemed to cry with her.

She would’ve been very happy to stay in her muddy spot of dirt, sobbing her heart out, but she heard someone walking toward her. A warm hand was placed on her shoulder and she took a shaky breath.


She had expected it to be Chiron patrolling, but this person’s voice was a bit younger and a bit brighter than the centaur’s. Thalia sniffled, wiping her nose with her sleeve and looked up. Her vision was blurred by tears and rain, but she couldn’t be mistaken.

It’s Luke, he’s back. He’s alive. She reached out for him, her fingers digging into his black leather jacket and she held him close to her. She said nothing, but her movements convey her message clearly: stay.

Apollo watches Thalia with a confused look in his face. She was hugging him; a few electric sparks were shooting from her fingers. She was crying, and she murmured, “I knew you’d come back. You promised. You said we were family.”

She thought the god of the sun was Luke Castellan. What, with blue eyes, the same sandy blonde hair and the same chiseled features.

Apollo found it uncomfortable, the way she was crying all over him, so he tried to push her away, but she didn’t want to let go. “Thalia. Thalia, look at me,” Apollo ordered. “I’m not Luke. I’m not - just look at me!”

Thalia shook her head stubbornly. She didn’t want her little fantasy to be broken and Apollo understood her. Luke was what kept her tethered to what she called reality, but now he was gone. He was gone and she didn’t even get to tell him goodbye.

Thalia wrapped her arms around Apollo’s waist and tried to kiss him. Apollo was tempted - dear Zeus, this girl was beautiful - but he couldn’t take advantage of the Thalia’s vulnerability. So he carried her to her cabin, dried her up and put her to bed. He sang her a lullaby, one filled with promises and hope. And when her eyes had closed and she was finally asleep, he kissed her temple and brushed her cheek with his hand.

Apollo, contrary to popular belief, was not a bad person. Yes, he did kiss girls and left them to cry, but he dried their tears away with the sun’s rays. He also kissed boys and left without saying goodbye, but he said hello every time the sun shines.

Maybe he’d done some bad things at some point in time (like making Sahara a desert), but he wasn’t a bad person. At least, not when it comes to Thalia Grace.


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