Jan 01, 2008 00:37
I am tired of these newcomers. Each one is more of an imbecile than the next. If this place is indeed an island then it can only handle so many people, and I'd rather not be stranded with an overpopulation of moronic children.
Kimihiro is at least one person I've met who is not a complete failure. He may be a bit of a dunce but he is at least quiet, and useful in his own right. He's also quite considerate.
The apartment is becoming too crowded and rowdy. I'm close to building myself a shack to live in, since I cannot afford a better house anytime soon. A cave would almost be better than this.
[/End private.]
If anyone needs me, I will be in the woods behind the park.
Mikami, make sure nobody touches my bed. I will be taking the rest of my belongings.
[OOC: Snape is carting off to the woods for a little bit. He'll be using spells to stay warm and all that. His side of the room has some protective spells on it to keep people from messing with his things. Also, he bought a tent from the market place. Mods: Please remove $250 from Snape's account. Thanks~]