Spent all of yesterday pretty much in bed. Didn't leave the apartment. Didn't even go check mail. I should have called in sick Tuesday night, but I didn't. I may need to call in sick tomorrow night.
I'm hacking up stuff, my throat's all fuzzy and hurt-y and now my asthma is starting to act up as well. Bleh.
Yesterday the ratties ended up managing to spray some of the seed mix we occassionally add in to their lab blocks in about a 2 metre radius around their cage from inside it. That takes talent. I'm not sure if I mentioned on here yet, but I keep thinking to myself that they must be tiny incarnations of big parts of chaos. We also went to the same store we got them at to stock up on food and litter, and they had another brood of ratlings. They have the same markings as Cinnamon & Luna, except their colouring was cream with a bluish grey. They were so freaking cute. I was tempted to buy another little girl rat to introduce to our ratties, but we didn't.
I think I would like to do foster care for rats in animal shelters once we get a house so I can put the cage in a separate room and actually quarantine them. It was just so disgusting to see the conditions they had the rats in when we went to the shelter back in the fall. They were in the same room as all of the cats (no, no natural predators there :P), one of the super young rats was kept alone as all her siblings were taken except her, and there was a birdcage about 2'x2'x1' that had six boys in it. Both the cages were filthy and it looked like the food wasn't terribly appropriate, and the litter was just shredded newspaper so the rats had grey smudges on them if they were lighter. Because that makes it appealing to adopt an animal--they look dirty and smell bad because their cage hasn't been cleaned and is far too small :P Not to mention there were no toys or decent sleeping areas in the cages.
Anyway, I am craving sushi something awful and was last night, but there are no 24-hour sushi places open, and certainly none that deliver to pathetic lazy sick women who are up all night cause of shift work.
I need to sign up for NRP, the neonatal resuscitation program, and ENPC, the emergency nursing pediatric course the next time I go to work. Hopefully I can go to both. Oh, and I also need to sign up for the pediatric conference coming up. I think eventually I'd like to be an instructor for some of these things, like CPR etc. In any case, hopefully I'll be able to do some more educational things this summer. I'd love to do the trauma nursing course, so hopefully that will be possible.
I also realised that I love getting things in the mail far too much. I was seriously considering joining the
science fiction book club yesterday, and got to the checkout then thought to myself, why? Why am I going to spend that much money on this? Not that I don't anyways... I think it just bugs me that most of the cost is the shipping. Especially seeing as amazon & eharlequin both have muchly reduced shipping costs with the books, and the shipping usually ends up free with multiple book orders. Although some of those books I'm thinking about buying in hardcover anyway, so it may be more economical to join... I'm torn.
For some reason, even if someone's trying to sell me something, I always feel so special to receive something in the mail. It's like I turn into an excited 3-year-old everytime I get something. It's pathetic, really. More so because I don't really get much in the way of mail. Oh well :)