Moving - the state of losing things

Jul 18, 2008 23:36

Damn it, I seem to have lost a bunch of stuff with this move of mine.

I was just looking for the iTunes gift certificate my aunt and uncle gave me last Christmas since I was wanting to buy some TV shows off iTunes. I know I had it with me up in Chico, but I looked through all of my boxes, and I can't find it.

I found the gloves I was looking for, and some long sleeve shirts I was wondering about, but no gift certificate.

This sucks, I've never lost stuff before like this when I moved. I want my $15 gift certificate. I know I had it right before I moved out of my apartment in Chico, and I can't imagine I would have thrown it away. But I looked through all the boxes just now aside from the ones that had exclusively kitchen stuff and couldn't find it anywhere. And of course, Apple says that if you lose it, they're not going to replace it.

This is why I wanted to sort through stuff carefully when I moved, so this wouldn't happen, but dad wanted me to just throw stuff in boxes. Did that, and promptly lost stuff like this. I looked everywhere I can imagine it being, but no luck.

Edited to add (at 12:07 AM): Oops, that was embarrassing. Turns out it was in the first place I looked for it, I just didn't look carefully enough the first time I looked for it. Oh well, at least I found it after all and now know where it is. It's too late to use it tonight, but I'll probably buy stuff later on this weekend. I'm glad to finally know where it is though, I suppose that's what counts, and I guess on the positive side, I found the gloves that I was looking for in the process of looking for this gift certificate.
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