Finals? Whatever

May 17, 2008 20:22

So not going to study for these right now.

The only final that I'm actully truly worried about is one that I can't study for right now - my Strategic Issues for Information Professionals final. They're all essay question exams, but they're also questions that require research, which makes studying a mite bit difficult. Lorraine always posted the questions several days ahead of the exam, and she said they'd be posted last night but as of 8 PM today, they still weren't on Vista. I wasn't originally worried about this exam, but then I looked it up yesterday and found out that it's going to be Monday afternoon, which gives me less studying time than I thought I'd have.

I'm so burnt out on school and tired that I'm not going to study or work on my other two finals. Books? Pleasure reading? That sounds like a nice change of pace.
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