It's 80 degrees inside...

Apr 27, 2008 16:09

And my air conditioning isn't working. I'm not looking forward to tonight's attempt to get to sleep. It took me about two hours last night to cool my bedroom down enough with my fan to get it to about 73 degrees so I could get to sleep, and that was after it had gotten up to 78 degrees inside.

Ugh. The AC technician was supposed to fix this last week, but it didn't happen. Jeff says he's planning on coming by tomorrow to fix it when I asked yesterday evening. Oh well, one more month and then I'll be heading back to Monterey. If I ever end up moving back to a hot climate, I'm going to make sure to test out the AC before I sign any leases on apartments, because this is ridiculous. I'd have thought fixing this in the middle of April when it's about to warm up substantially would be a priority, but apparently not.

On the plus side, Bill Knudsen of RW Knudsen is going to be coming to speak to Net Impact tomorrow evening, which should be awesome. RW Knudsen makes organic drinks that are really good, I'm planning on buying some at Chico Natural Foods this evening when I go shopping after it cools down a bit. Should be an interesting speech. It's a local company too, the cans all say Chico for the place where they're made.
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