Dec 07, 2007 12:43
That was just the icing on the cake for me.
Today I "finished" the lameass programming assignment that was assigned Wednesday but wasn't due until today. That's in quotes because there was still something wrong at the end but I was sick of it so I just thought screw it and turned it in anyway.
...anyway, while I was working on it and fed up with programming, I was in the class after my programming class, which is BSIS 301. I'm not taking that class and don't have to because the MINS 301 class I took substitutes for it. Thankfully, since Sager's class seems like it's likely easier than this stuff they're doing is. Right when I was fed up with programming and just wanting to be done forever with it, not just for this semester, but period, the teacher of the other class mentioned what he called the capstone class for MIS majors, MINS 450. He said it involves really hard programming but businesses like it since that's exactly what they do apparently.
Meanwhile, I was swearing under my breath as I heard this, because I'm going to have to take that hardass class next semester. It happens to be my 8 AM Monday/Wednesday Friday class. So not only will it be really hard, but I won't be awake for it either because it's at 8 AM. Fuck.
Why isn't it May yet?
Right, time to do some shopping then veg out for the rest of the day.