(no subject)

Feb 13, 2008 17:51

The last post of recs from PolyRecs, fandoms N-X. That's all she wrote.


Somebody Else's Name, by J.J. Taylor.
shrift: This story captures both Kate and Ducky beautifully. "The President used to call her Katie. She had liked that, until she realized it was meant to be a joke. Caitlin would have been professional, Kate would have been friendly, but Katie was their way of reminding her that she was a girl among men and none of them would forget it."

Worth Talking, by Voleuse.
shrift: I really adore the Abby POV here as she deals with Tony in the aftermath of "Twilight".

The Office

And Harder Still to Make Noise, by Sophia Jirafe.
Nestra: Yes. This is Pam. Sophia writes a beautifully realistic story, where everyone is a person, not just a good guy or a bad guy or a jerk or a stereotype.

Five Stories Kelly Kapour Never Told, by winter baby.
Nestra: Never did I think I'd feel sympathy for Kelly Kapour. But this is ouchy, and it gives some actual depth to Kelly.

Nobody in This House, by Sophia Jirafe.
Nestra: A story about Jim and Pam! No, I'm kidding. Jim and Pam are nowhere to be found; this is a story about teenaged Karen and Ryan. It's several steps away from the canon we know, but if you've found yourself reluctantly liking Karen, even though she's threatening your OTP, you should read this.

Five Versions of Valentine's Day 2007, by Sophia Jirafe.
Nestra: Oh, Pam. Sophia makes me love her, worry about her, envy her, and laugh with her.

Pirates of the Caribbean

Nine Pieces of Eight, by Penknife.
Nestra: Nine character vignettes that are just perfect, and do so much to flesh out the movie. Spoilers for the third movie, At World's End.

Quickening, by Pearl-o.
Shrift: Will and Elizabeth, living not-so-happily-ever-after: "It was always after these times that Will felt especially strongly how much Elizabeth had given up when they wed. She had not realized how much it would be, he knew, and she did not ever mention it to him, but once in a while he could see an impatience within her at the state of their lives."


Angry Geeks, by Punk.
shrift: I love Punk's Chloe: "She always forgets how damn pretty he is. It's got to be some kind of freakish supermodel power, god's gift to mutants, because Clark Kent couldn't fashion his way out of a wet paper GAP bag but he's still the prettiest thing on earth. Not even the grim dog-eat-dog of the baggage claim can put a dent in his cool. He just looks scruffy and tormented in all the right ways. It's a good thing she gave up pointless crushes right along with red meat and Smallville."

Cabin Fever, by Tara LJC O'Shea.
shrift: Tara always gives good Chloe, and this story is full of tension and perfect details.

Home to Roost, by Sarah T.
shrift: I love a good Martha POV, and Sarah T. delivers with a painful little story about lies and comfort.

Round One, by Hope.
shrift: Why yes, I have a Lex boxing kink, and apparently, so does Helen. Who can blame her?

Unpretty, by Elizabeth.
Nestra: As fascinating as I find Clark and Lex (that's plenty fascinating, for those not keeping score at home), I love Elizabeth's gift for focusing on supporting characters and fleshing them out. This is a short, achy Chloe piece.

The Secrets, by Kate Elizabeth.
Nestra: Dreamy and deft, and a little bit different.

Like Lemon Meringue, by Nifra Idril.
shrift: Nifra sold me on Chloe/Lana with this story. She sold the pairing so well that I asked if she had any swamp land in Florida she wanted me to buy. Chloe and Lana, abandonment issues, and sex in the dark.

Sports Night

Shoot the Lights Out, by Anna S.
Nestra: Despite everything, maybe Dana and Casey really were just a bad idea. A nicely sympathetic Dana (which is more than the show could manage sometimes.)

Somebody Who Outdrew You, by Jess.
Nestra: Somewhere out there is a story where Casey and Dana don't make each other miserable, but this isn't it. This is the story that makes me sad for them. And it all makes perfect sense.

and we are all together, by Mary Parker.
Nestra: This is a funky collection of twenty or more snippets, possible pairings and stories and futures and paths not taken.

Star Trek: The Next Generation

The Speed of Sound, by Kyra Cullinan.
Nestra: "How strange it is, she sometimes thinks, that they can conduct entire love affairs without ever speaking the same language." Nice to find a Crusher POV that's intelligent and thoughtful.

Tempest-Tost, by Yahtzee.
Nestra: Wow. It's been ages since I read good Picard/Crusher, and this is *great* P/C.

Star Trek: Voyager

Only Air, by nanda.
Nestra: Janeway and Chakotay, after twenty years and two kids, still struggling to make a life together. It's a nicely adult story, in perspective and feel.

Revelations by L.R. Bowen.
Nestra: A gently bitersweet New Earth story. (And yes, I am in denial about the end of Voyager.) I like this Janeway, who's a scientist even when she's uncertain and shy.

Stargate: Atlantis

Charmed Sleepers, by Brighid.
Nestra: Such a brilliant idea for a story, and so perfectly written. After the first thousand years, Janus comes to visit.

Dark, by Minnow.
Nestra: My god, this actually makes Sora interesting. It might be a miracle, except Minnow is just that good.

Every fight is a fight for your life, by Livia.
Nestra: Not only is Sora interesting here, but the way the rest of the characters interact with her is fascinating.

Five Ways Elizabeth Weir Leaves Someone Behind, by Minnow.
Nestra: These short snippets are so good, they don't need to be any longer.

Nest-Building, by cofax.
Nestra: A beautiful Teyla POV in a fic that's about all of them.

Queen of Quiet, by Pearl-o.
shrift: In which Teyla continues to be wicked awesome.

Rodney and Cadman Go Down and Rodney and Cadman Get It On, by Pares.
Nestra: These are practically slapstick or farce, and they're so funny and sexy.

Strange Loop, by Livia Penn.
Nestra: Hmm. An interesting trip into Elizabeth's head.

3 Lovers, by Speranza.
Nestra: Teyla gets some action. Quite a bit of action, actually.

No, Really, by Basingstoke.
Nestra: The lovely thing about John and Rodney and Ronon and Teyla is that there is no bad combination here.

Widow's Walk, by synecdochic.
Nestra: Zelenka! I adore this Zelenka, who is thoughtful and intelligent and kind, and who sees a better Weir than the audience is usually allowed to see.

Stargate: SG-1

Behind That Smile, by elishavah.
Nestra: Heh. When Jack and Vala meet, it's probably Daniel that loses.

Paths Worth Exploring, by Katie.
Nestra: Leads up to Katie's "In the Wrong Story." The Daniel/Sam pairing in this fandom is pretty much dwarfed by the Jack/Sam and Jack/Daniel contingents, but Daniel and Sam have their own kind of chemistry. And when the world ends, things have a way of happening.

Snakeskin, by Katie M.
Nestra: Hosts and their symbiotes, or maybe symbiotes and their hosts.

In the Wrong Story, by Katie.
Nestra: I love the little tastes of world-building, the way things are hinted at rather than stated right out. And I love the rapport between the three of them, Sam, Jack, and Daniel, cozy and awkward and effortless.

A Lapse of Gravity, by shalott.
Nestra: Great Carter POV, as she sorts through all the tangles of her life. Except how could even a Pete Shanahan be anything but a little washed-out, a little ordinary next to her three heroes; each of them ten times larger than life, and hers in a way he couldn't be, bound to her in the blood and fire of their private, endless war.

Wheel, by Brighid.
Nestra: Easiest way to make Stargate OT3s plausible? Strand 'em offworld. Brighid doesn't forget about Teal'c, though, and this story has her trademark lyricism and sweetness of heart. Plus a couple of really nice steamy moments.

Syllepsis, by Komos.
Nestra: Sara O'Neill takes Daniel by surprise.


Every Time Is The Last Time, by hossgal.
shrift: In which hossgal proves that Dean/Ellen is, indeed, smoking hot.

Five Women Who Chose Sam over Dean, by meyerlemon.
shrift: In which meyerlemon breaks my heart and Dean's at the same time.

Lacuna ( part 1) ( part 2), by Innie.
shrift: Dean/Cassie! It's in second person, and it works: His jacket swings out a little and you can see that the pockets of his coat and pants are stuffed with small objects. His jeans are worn, shiny and rubbed down to white thread in places, and they are settled on him like butter melting from the heat of a roll.

No Excuse for a Wasted Life, by cofax.
shrift: Yay, fic about Jo! Good fic about Jo! Bless you, cofax.

Spider Bites On All Your Lovers, by Melymbrosia.
shrift: The Crossroads Demon won't let Dean go. It's wrong and painful and hot: Her word is her bond and her kiss is her mark: so it's no trouble, tracking Dean Winchester down. She can hear the rush of the blood in his veins from miles away, and the clamor and shriek of memories in his head she could probably hear even in Hell.

Summer's Here, and the Time Is Right, by victoria p.
shrift: Wonderful, hot Mary/John, with bonus Impala.


All Things in Time, by Poisontaster.
shrift: Oh, Jack and Tosh! It's heartbreaking and beautiful.

Everything Changes but Paperwork, by Basingstoke.
shrift: Gwen receives her Torchwood first day orientation from Ianto.

Paramagnetic, by Fahye.
shrift: My god, this is fabulous! It's sharp and weary and funny and brittle. Oh, Jack!

Veronica Mars

Audrey Hepburn Gets the Clues, by Shaye.
shrift: I love Veronica and Keith Mars *so much*: Veronica slammed the door and dumped her bag on the floor. "Well," she said, false cheer ringing in her voice, "I sent five hundred faxes from the bowels of hell, and then I sold my soul for central air."

"Aw." Dad reached toward her, then hesitated, probably looking for a place that wasn't covered in orange and green goop. He finally settled for patting her on the top of her head, and wiping his hand on a paper towel afterward. "You weren't using your soul anyway, were you?"

How to Hold Your Breath Underwater, by Sara.
shrift: Veronica and Logan and sex and hotness: He laughs, a little cut-off laugh that sounds like it hurts. "Veronica Mars, calling me out on pushing people away. Someone call Alanis, we've found something that's actually genuinely ironic."

In the Cards, by Kass.
shrift: Hot, funny, and wonderful Logan/Veronica/Weevil.

The West Wing

After Gaza, by Speranza.
Nestra: "Okay, look," Josh said, lowering his voice and looking at her with strangely earnest eyes, "I can't believe I'm saying this, but--it's only me, all right? Let me help you," and that was the most terrifying thing she had ever heard.

Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered, by Marguerite and Ryo Sen.
Nestra: I know, as a late-comer to this fandom, that I'm reccing stuff people have already read, but this story is deeply hysterical even if you're not familiar with the show. And if you are, the spot-on voices just add another level of pleasure.

Declaring Victory, by Speranza.
Nestra: As if it's any surprise, since we're talking about Speranza, this is funny and sweet and hot. After all, after everything between them, it finally happened because her roommate went to knitting camp.

Glass Lemons, by Sabine.
Nestra: As much as I love Josh and Sam, I think I might possibly love CJ and Toby just as much. Together, separately, whatever. And Sabine gives *great* Toby.

The Tallest Orders, by Pares.
Nestra: In addition to my Josh thing, I have a Toby thing. Because he's smart and caustic and oddly sexy. And now I have a thing for Pares' Toby.

Ask a Scientist (it's quantum physics), by Annie.
shrift: Josh and Donna and Sam, and ow: Donna knows that Josh likes her. Not just in the 'thank god you're my capable assistant and can deal with this for me' way. It's more of an 'if I wasn't your boss' and 'if we were in a bar somewhere' kind of way.

Overtime and Overtime 2, by Speranza.
Nestra: Speranza killed me dead with these two stories. Josh and Donna and Sam, and they're all funny, smart, beautiful people, and it's just a brilliant idea for them to have a lot of sex together.

The X-Files

Contact High, by Penumbra.
Nestra: A post-Field Trip story that's full of gems like this: The ceiling undulates gently above her. Her curtains have changed color, and her hand, when she studies it, is a truly astounding piece of machinery. She feels pride at her opposable thumb. I think the story ultimately goes on a little too long, but you'll probably be having so much fun you won't mind.

Half a World Away by Jane St Clair.
shrift: Well, I'm a hard sell on a Scully/Krycek, but this one works in a strange, sick sort of almost-redeemable Krycek kind of way. And yes, that's a total compliment.

How to Survive a High-Rise Hotel Fire, by Very Improbable.
shrift: This was written for the Worst-Case Scenario Survival Challenge. It's Krycek and Marita!

by cucumberspy.
Nestra: An aching, angsty Scully vignette, involving Doggett's amnesia in "John Doe".

Lived and Were, by Punk Maneuverability.
Nestra: Punk's summary is Scully tries to put Mulder into words. Which is as good an explanation as any for this twisty, nebulous, perfect story.

Strangers and the Strange Dead by Kipler.
Nestra: Usually I'm not a fan of an original character as a narrator, but this story blew me away. You don't believe me? Here's the first sentence: "That winter, when our town was a layover spot for strangers and the strange dead, I was writing the river." Damn.

Sweet Season, by Sophia Jirafe.
Nestra: A sparse, painful post-ep for the inexplicable episode "William".

Woman's Work by M. Sebasky, and the companion piece Bitter Algebra, by cofax.
Nestra: An excellent pair of stories that take place between Seasons 7 and 8, as Scully contemplates her pregnancy. Adult themes abound, but they are treated intelligently and thoughtfully.


39 Minutes of Calltime Remaining, by Kawcrow.
Nestra: I'm a sucker for Wolverine. Can't help it. This addiction was not helped by Hugh Jackman. Kawcrow gets the characterizations down in an angsty little phone call between Logan and Rogue.

Deal, by Penknife.
shrift: Mystique and Pyro after X3, full of sharp edges and shadows.

Nameless, by C. Elisa.
Nestra: C. Elisa creates a student with a fascinating mutation and uses it to look at Professor Xavier, post X2.

Safety in Numbers, by Elizabeth.
Nestra: Logan/Rogue writers are forced to find interesting ways around the typical touches any other couple would enjoy. This story runs with that, and damn, it's hot.

Temporary, by Penknife.
Nestra: Five ways Rogue finds out that nothing lasts forever, post-X3.

Sweep the Ashes, by Penknife.
Nestra: One of the great things about X2 is all the Pyro/Magneto/Mystique fic that's come out of it. Magneto and Mystique alone are a great combination, and when you toss Pyro into it, it's...combustible. There are no easy answers here, but there's history and tangled loyalty.

smallville, star trek, x-men, stargate: atlantis, veronica mars, the west wing, the office, pirates of the caribbean, .recs, x-files, torchwood, supernatural, stargate: sg-1

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