Movie rec: Kamikaze Girls

Feb 11, 2008 01:51

As I was watching "Kamikaze Girls" for the first time, I thought to myself-- I've seen this movie before! Not this movie exactly, but something a lot *like* it. But I couldn't figure out what that movie could be, because *nothing* is like Kamikaze Girls.

Then, days later, I figured it out. It's *Fight Club*. Fight Club for teenage Japanese girls. It's got the non-linear story structure, the air of vaguely exaggerated unreality, the jaded narrator judging everyone around them while simultaneously revealing their own flaws and the shallowness of their consumerist lifestyle. And then it's got the Creature from the Id who comes in and shakes everything up, dragging the narrator into a new world they never dreamed existed-- turning their whole life upside down. That's "Kamikaze Girls" in a nutshell.

("Kamikaze Girls" was originally a novel called "Shimotsuma Monogatari," which was then adapted into a manga and then a film. I haven't read the book or the manga, so this is entirely about the film version.)

We have our two main characters, Momoko and Ichiko...


Momoko is our narrator. She's wonderful. Selfish and deceitful, she loves to daydream about Rococo-era France, wishing she could live a life devoted only to hedonism and aesthetics. Abandoned by her mother years ago, Momoko believes in pursuing her own happiness; humans live alone and die alone no matter what... and her personal happiness is defined by expensive dresses in the Sweet Lolita style, from the (real life) brand "Baby, The Stars Shine Bright." Momoko is always scrounging for money to travel from her rural home into Tokyo and buy dresses.


Ichiko is the Id Girl. She's also wonderful. Loud, brash, and aggressive, she likes spitting, head-butting people and riding with a gang of girl bikers. Well, they actually ride scooters, but you wanna make something of it?! *g* Ichiko idolizes Akimi, the beautiful and tough leader of her girl-gang (really, she's clearly got a crush on her, but they don't make a big deal of it in the movie,) who first told her to never show weakness and always be strong. She's also deeply invested in the story of Himiko, an infamous girl biker from decades ago who united Tokyo's girl-biker gangs against pimps and drug dealers.

Then a lot of plot-related things go on, which I won't spoil for you. *G*

Teaser questions: can a Sweet Lolita and a biker girl ever really be friends? What happens when Ichiko's idol decides to leave her behind? When Momoko has to choose between the fulfillment of her greatest dream, and being there for Ichiko when it counts, what will she choose? And what is the connection between Ichiko, Momoko, and the legendary biker-gang leader Himiko?

Watch Kamikaze Girls! (It's available on for $16 used!) You'll be glad you did. (Also, maybe you can write me a Kamikaze Girls story for Yuletide next year. *G*)

Momoko: "For the record-- we win, you lose!"

.fandom primer & pimping, kamikaze girls

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