Fic Challenge: Scully in 155, Special Mini-Moon Edition

Mar 02, 2018 08:45

Today's theme is politics. The X-Files is/was about a government conspiracy to hide the truth so I guess this fits, kinda of.

Back in 2014, tree and I hosted a party in honor of Dana Scully's 50th birthday, called scully_fest. In honor of herself, I resurrected borrowed filched the Scully in 155 challenge concept from Scullyfic. Yes, I stole it. Happy now?

Well, I am stealing it again for mini-moon!

The idea is pretty simple. Write a ficlet of 155 words about Special Agent Dana Scully. Add it here as a comment or post it as a separate entry--or both--your choice. Post it on AO3, too, if you like, and add it to our little collection. I wrote a couple of these which have not been posted here--yet. And I will try to write more but as I am the world's slowest writer, I'll be thrilled if I can write one this week.

As far as I'm concerned, you do not have to stick to the themes, but of course it would be amazing if you do. You also don't have to write original flavor Dana Scully. There is a comic reboot from IDW with two issues called Deviations: The X-Files, which you can download for the grand sum of $4.00. In Deviations, Fox Mulder was abducted rather than his sister and Samantha Mulder went on to become an FBI agent. Dana Scully is Samantha's partner on the X-files.

You know what? I should do an entire post about this alternative universe for the mini-moon. If not now, when?

Anyway. The original collection is here: Scully in 155.

The Scullyfest 155 collection is at AO3: Scully in 155.

The podfic created by idella is on LJ: Scully in 155 Anthology

.prompts & requests, .fanfic, x-files

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