Fanfic: Friday Night Lights, The OC, Fanart: Buffy, The OC, Alias, Doctor Who

Feb 10, 2008 13:59

A mini-mega-mini-post of drabbles and art and such.

Title: The Fragments of a Name
Fandom: Friday Night Lights
Pairing: Tyra/Lyla
Summary: Lyla is tap-tap-tapping her acrylic nails on the peeling laminate of the diner table and Tyra has never hated anyone more in her entire life.
Rating: PG-13? There's some artfully glossed over sex going on.

Lyla is tap-tap-tapping her acrylic nails on the peeling laminate of the diner table and Tyra has never hated anyone more in her entire life. Jason says something into Lyla's ear and she laughs, throws her head back, nearly losing the tiara perched on top of her curls. Homecoming queen. Fucking figures. The florescent lights catch the sequins on her dress and she sparkles. Tyra turns her head and sees two freshmen staring in awe. She snarls at them, and they look away. Tim's hand moves higher up her thigh under her black dress, and when he clinks his glass with Jason's, toasting with an obnoxiously loud, "Texas Forever!" Lyla smiles and lets out a practiced, "Whoo!" and Tim keeps his eyes on her sparkly tiara, sparkly dress, sparkly teeth, while he slips a finger under the elastic of Tyra's panties. She closes her eyes.


Lyla invited her to her birthday party once, when they were in fifth grade. It wasn't until Tyra got there, smiling, offering up the drugstore earrings wrapped in the comic papers, that she realized.

“You weren't supposed to come, Tyra. Lyla's mom made her invite everyone.” Brittany hissed it into her face, and she wanted to cry, but instead she stomped her sneaker down on Brittany's patent leather dress shoes and ground, hard.

On the long walk home she threw Lyla's present onto the railroad tracks, and never looked back.


She does not, will not, cry over Tim Riggins. It isn't until someone taps her on the shoulder in computer lab that it hurts, really hurts. Lyla Garrity is a SLUT! and it would almost be funny if it weren't so fucking sad. Lyla Garrity is a slut. Tim Riggins has that effect on a girl, apparently.

Later in the hall, when she sees it all over his face, that's when she cries. Goes into the bathroom and locks the stall door and cries even harder at the cliché.


She‘s mostly pissed off because it's BUDDY GARRITY. Like mother, like daughter, she thinks, and feels a little sick. The second rate Garrity girls, fuck ‘em and run. She wants to hate Lyla more than anyone, and for a while, she does. Hates how stupid she is for not realizing. Hates the way her eyes flick up, all wide, taking in Tyra's mom charging at Buddy outside the church. But as she wraps an arm around her mom and tries to drag her away, all she sees in Lyla's eyes is pity. That pisses her off more than any thing.


“You know, I crashed a car into my dad's dealership when I found out.”

They're at some roadside mom and pop place with twenty-year-old gas pumps and a fine film of dust over most of the candy bars. Landry and his fucking shortcuts.

“No shit?” She's a little impressed, she has to say. Glances over at Lyla, nursing a Slush Puppie and studying the beef jerky selection.

“So . . . Jason?" She says without meaning to. "Never really took him for that type.”

“Apparently all it takes is some blonde hussy with a tattoo gun.”

She laughs, snorting a little. “Hussy?”

Lyla smiles wryly, laughs around her straw. “Hussy.”

“It's always the blonde ones,” Tyra says, raising an eyebrow and earning a genuine smile from Lyla in return.


She hasn't yet figured out how they went from half a bottle of vodka and a half assed game of quarters to this, but when Lyla comes, it's hard. Jerking and shaking and cursing, and it makes Tyra feel strangely proud, somewhere deep in her chest. It feels like the first time she's ever really met Lyla Garrity. She doesn't ask about this, but she hisses, “Open your eyes,” at Lyla, because it feels less pathetic that way, when Lyla can't pretend it's someone else.


Later in the hall, she almost laughs. Lyla Garrity, chucking her pom poms into a hotel janitor's cart. “That's pretty intense Garrity,” she calls out, can't help herself. To her surprise, Lyla isn't nervous when she faces her, there's no blushing or excuses, just Lyla, her hair up and her face scrubbed clean, looking like a real person. It's the first time Tyra considers that maybe Lyla hates Miss Perfect Lyla Garrity more than anyone. So when she asks, with a goofy grin and a shrug of her shoulders, “Hey, Tyra, you wanna ride home with me?” she can't say no. Her face pulls into a little bit of a grin, is all, and then, “Sure. Why not?”

Title: Once Upon a Time in Orange County
Fandom: The OC
Pairing: Summer/Marissa
Summary: Let's say that once, a really, really long time ago, Summer Roberts hung out with Marissa Cooper.
Rating: PG

Let's say that once, a really, really long time ago, Summer Roberts hung out with Marissa Cooper.

And it's not like she's ASHAMED of it or anything, it's just that, you know. You KNOW. Everyone knows what happened to Marissa Cooper. Her dad was some big old thief and he got arrested when they were in seventh grade and that was it. The end.

Marissa Cooper and Julie Cooper and Caitlyn Cooper had to move to somewhere that's not even the VALLEY. Because that's kind of cool now, with the tv show, but that's not the point because Marissa is too poor to even live in the VALLEY, and, like, how sad is that? Marissa Cooper had to live in Chino for fuck's sake, and no one deserves that.

Sometimes she sees Julie Cooper in clubs on the weekend, always wearing her one good outfit and too much eyeliner and trying to pretend that she's NOT Julie Cooper and she's not like nine times as old as everyone else there. Summer never says anything, but it's SAD, you know?

Sometimes she sees Marissa too. But she would REALLY never say anything about that because she's Summer Roberts and it doesn't MATTER that she and Coop used to be a friends and in sixth grade they had practiced kissing each other and Summer's never really had any kisses as good as those, even five years later. It doesn't matter, because no one can know.

But sometimes, she still sees Marissa. She drives to Marissa's tiny house and they sit out on the curb, (but Summer never REALLY sits because the curb is dirty. EVERYTHING is dirty where Marissa lives, and Summer kind of likes it), and they always make small talk about that one time when Seth Cohen peed his pants and Summer always tries to draw attention away from the fact that her shoes probably cost more than Coop's rent.

So one day, Summer lies to everyone and says she has to have a family dinner and she takes an impromptu trip to Coop's dirty neighborhood, and finds Marissa sitting on the curb in a shirt that she's 90% sure came from TJ Maxx and it's just so fucking sad, you know, because beneath the synthetic fabric Marissa's still beautiful. Marissa could have been IT at Harbor.

She can't think of anything to say this time but Marissa doesn't seem to care, so Summer just sits down next to her and they watch the sun start to set and when Coop shifts, her knuckles brush against Summer's bare knee and suddenly kissing her just seems like the thing to do, so she does.

Marissa's lipstick tastes cheap, like the Wet n Wild they had stolen from the drugstore when they were 12, just to see if they could get away with it.

And, bonus girly art bonanza!

Click for bigger, etc, etc.

Faith/Tyra, Buffy/Friday Night Lights

Summer/Marissa, The OC

Buffy/Cordelia, Buffy The Vampire Slayer

Sydney/Lauren, Alias

Vectors: Sydney, Alias - Rose, Doctor Who

I have more art and such here, if you are so inclined. I just cherrypicked my favorites.

doctor who, friday night lights, .fanart, the o.c., .fanfic, btvs/angel, alias

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