Woman-centered fics: MCU, Terminator:SCC, Myth, Deception, Better Off Ted, Pitch Perfect, Bletchley

Feb 03, 2014 21:15

Woman-centered fics I’ve written this past year:

Fandom: Avengers/MCU/Iron Man 3
Character/Pairing: Maya Hansen, Maya/Pepper/Tony
Word Count: 6012
Summary: Spoilers for Iron Man 3: How Maya Hansen finds what she needs. AU where Maya is dosed with Extremis and survives and ends up working and living with Tony and Pepper.
Fic: Five Easy Steps to Becoming a Reformed Mad Scientist

Fandom: Avengers/MCU/Iron Man 3
Pairing: Maya Hansen/Natasha Romanov
Word Count: 918
Summary: Post-Iron Man 3, Maya and Natasha start a relationship. But they both have a lot of red on their ledger.
Fic: Ledger

Fandom: Avengers/MCU
Character: Natasha Romanov
Word Count: 3383
Summary: Natasha helps her best friend grieve, even though she’s not sure how to do it herself.
Fic: The Mission

Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Character: Faith Lehane
Word Count: 539
Summary: Faith is asked to lead an army of demons willing to fight for the side of good. She's better at it than she should be.
Fic: Never Mind That Noise

Fandom: Bletchley Circle
Characters: Millie, Claire, team
Word Count: 1266
Summary: Susan's daughter asks the other members of the circle about what they do when they get together, and what they did in the war.
Fic: How We Met Your Mother

Fandom: Greek Mythology, Iliad
Characters: Cassandra, Helen
Word Count: 127
Summary: For this prompt: "Greek Mythology, Cassandra and Helen, They are aware of who each other truly was, but their bond is one of understanding each other"
Fic: Oikos

Fandom: Deception
Pairing: Joanna/Vivian
Word Count: 267
Summary: For this prompt: "Joanna meets Vivian one last time (perhaps a year before Vivian's death). They argue, renew their friendship and explores a more intimate relationship. They spend the night together and Vivian begs Joanna to stay with her. Joanna refuses and leaves. A year later...the show starts."
Fic: Last Chance

Fandom: Deception
Character: Joanna (& Vivian)
Word Count: 100
Summary: Drabble about their friendship and Joanna’s regrets
Fic: Gaps

Fandom: Pitch Perfect
Pairing: Beca/Chloe
Word Count: 743
Summary: Beca is having some very disturbing fantasies about Chloe. Disturbing because vanilla usually isn't her thing at all.
Fic: Girl Jam

Fandom: Arrow
Character: Moira Queen
Word Count: 2011
Summary: Moira's POV on her friend’s grief and her own guilt over her participation in the plan for the Glades.
Fic: Leave Your Armor on the Battlefield

Fandom: Better Off Ted
Character: Veronica
Word Count: 567
Summary: Crackfic about a very Veronica memo.
Fic: Memorandum

Fandom: Almost Human
Character: Valerie Stahl, offscreen Stahl/Maldonado.
Word Count: 1709
Summary: Steampunk AU: Suffragist and scientist Valerie Stahl meets a mechanical man and his uptight companion.
Fic: A Most Delightful Contraption

Fandom: Veronica Mars
Character: Veronica Mars
Word Count: 257
Summary: See title.
Fic: Five Other Careers Veronica Mars Could Have Had

Fandom: Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles
Character: Catherine Weaver & Sarah Connor
Word Count: 100
Summary: Drabble of a conversation between Sarah and Weaver.
Fic: Keep Your Friends Close

Fandom: Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles
Character: Catherine Weaver & Sarah Connor
Word Count: 100
Summary: It's tough dealing with a time traveler. Drabble.
Fic: Reference Point

Fandom: Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles
Character: Sarah Connor, Cameron, Riley Dawson, Jesse Flores, Catherine Weaver
Word Count: 1039
Summary: Various characters' thoughts on history, time, humans and machines.
Fic: Secret History

better off ted, marvel comics, .fanfic, almost human, terminator: sarah connor chronicles, arrow, btvs/angel, veronica mars, iron man, greek mythology, deception, pitch perfect, the bletchley circle

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