Multi-fandom Female-Centric Stories

Feb 03, 2014 13:20

Here are some of the stories I've written about women in the past year. I'm looking forward to seeing others' lists and finding awesome new stories about female characters!

Family is (Mostly) for Children Maria thinks she knows the meaning of a bad day at work...until Clint Barton brings in Natasha Romanov.

The Right Thing in the Wrong Way
People don't ask why Pepper sticks by Tony as often as they should, and if they did, she probably wouldn't tell them the truth: that he's never left her alone on the one day she actually needs him.

Loved and Never Really Lost
Five ways Tara could have survived, and one way she actually did. (Content advisory for character death and suicidal ideation)

Games We Don't Play
In which Joan solves a murder, goes on an unexpected date, outwits Sherlock, and survives his highly questionable attempts at emotional support.

Star Trek AOS
Six Scenes from the Life of a Bad-Ass, Bald Navigation Officer
Six small stories to explain how Ensign Darwin (aka that awesome bald lady on the bridge) came to Starfleet and pursued command.

Fourteen Days of Shitty Coffee
Starfleet Medical has the worst coffee. Nyota would know - she drinks it every day Jim is unconscious.

star trek: reboot, elementary, .fanfic, btvs/angel, the avengers

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