Fic: Buffy, Harry Potter, Disney Princesses, Les Miserables

Feb 14, 2013 23:12

My women-centered fic from last year (the only fic I completed at all):

Devoted Heroine
Fandom: Beauty and the Beast (1991)
Summary: Belle got her adventure, almost despite herself.

If you work instead of wishing
Fandom: Twisted Princess (Disney Fanart) Princess and the Frog (2009)
Summary: There was a new cabin in the bayou.

Other people's fic:
Beloved Boy by staranise
Fandom: Harry Potter
Summary: Petunia had to admit to herself sometimes that the boy frightened her.

The Girl on the Rue Plumet by Alice_Majella
Fandom: Les Miserables - Victor Hugo
Summary: "Eponine would never be the girl on the Rue Plumet." (Which has already been recommended here, but it's good enough to recommend again!)

Children Must Be Accompanied By a Responsible Adult
by Medie
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Summary: "It's not a font," Buffy corrects, prim. "It's an effect...or something. Oh god, how am I supposed to shape young minds if I don't know if italics are a font or not?"

God and Chance by Beth Winter (BethWinter)
Fandom: Les Miserables - Schönberg/Boublil
Summary: Fantine's life changes, at the throw of a dice, or an answer to a prayer. Canon AU where Fantine survives.

beauty and the beast, .fanfic, btvs/angel, les miserables, harry potter

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