(no subject)

Feb 09, 2008 21:17

Recs from the Miscellaneous page at PolyRecs. There's probably about twenty or so fandoms in here.


10 Things I Hate About You

In Accordance, by corialis.
shrift: Strong, quiet, simple, and bittersweet. We don't always become the people we expect to be.

Anne of Green Gables

a (most dreadfully) involuntary sin, by mardia.
Nestra: A portrait of Diana Barry, self-aware and genuine. Beautifully fleshes out a character neglected in later books in the series.

Forgotten Wishes, by hafital.
Nestra: Scarily plausible. The Anne characterization in this is particularly perfect.

Battlestar Galactica

Calliope, by Rheanna.
Nestra: Rheanna calls this "a small story about the smallest ship." I think it's a perfect little story about four of the fifty thousand humans left.

Five Deaths (Laura Roslin), by Rheanna.
Nestra: I enjoy BSG, but it's yet to really grab me. When it comes to Rheanna, though, I would read her grocery list, even if it had a bunch of death in it. The title lets you know what you're in for here. Number four is my favorite, but they're all skillfully and beautifully crafted.

Bend it Like Beckham

New Kind of Real, by afrai.
shrift: Bless afrai, because I think I've been looking for a story like this about Jules and Jess since I first saw the movie.

The Bourne Identity

Certain Dark Things, by Jae W.
shrift: This was a fantastic look at Marie and her relationship with Jason.

Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid

Reprise, by Caithion.shrift: Wonderful Etta POV, plus great characterizations of Butch and Sundance. If this bit doesn't convince you to give it a try, nothing will: "You don't deserve me," she told them softly. Sundance snorted, but his arm around her waist tightened. Butch rolled over and his hair tickled her neck as he laid a slow, sleepy kiss on her collarbone.


One of Three, by Kass.
shrift: I love how Kass writes Daria: "...there was the whole weird subtext of buying a gift for her boyfriend and for her boyfriend's ex-girlfriend who was also her best friend. Who she kind of wished were her girlfriend, except that she really liked her boyfriend. The semi-crush on Jane didn't change the fact that she was into Tom; it just...complicated matters. But what was she supposed to do with that? Write a Penthouse letter?"

Glue Gun, by krabapple.
shrift: Daria and Jane and banter. Yay.


Quenched, by T. Jonesy.
shrift: Al and Alma, and oh holy hell, it's hot. The language is fucking fantastic, and... and... oh my god.

Friday Night Lights

Blush and Knock Your Knees, by k.
shrift: Matt and Julie! I love them so.

Five times Coach ogles Mrs. Coach, by honey_wheeler.
shrift: Yay, Coach and Mrs. Coach! They're my favorite married couple on TV.

Five Things Jason Street Was the First to Say, by Hth.
shrift: Jason and Lyla and Tim, making things work the best they can.

Galaxy Quest

Artificial Devotion, by Katie M.
Nestra: One of my favorite stories to come out of Yuletide 2004, even before I knew it was written by Katie, whose writing I already adored. Galaxy Quest has amazing potential as a fandom, because there are so many layers writers can explore. This story takes what was a throwaway joke in the movie and efficiently transforms it into an amazing, inventive character study.

Habitation, by Livia.
Nestra: I never expected to find Galaxy Quest fic, but this story by Livia is simply gorgeous. Fred Kwan and Laliari learn to live together and how to tell stories.

Into the Woods

Even Later, by Sanj.
Nestra: Wishes may bring problems such that you regret them // Better that, though, than to never get them.

Invisible Man

Fool Me Once, by Julie Fortune.
Nestra: See, I was being virtuous and checking links, and my reward was finding out that Julie was writing I-Man fic. As always, her story could easily be an episode. Strong characterization, strong plot.

Joan of Arcadia

all hallow's eve, by Gale.
Nestra: Yeah, the thought of Luke and Grace smut requires a second thought, except this is perfect. Slightly awkward, deeply felt, and pretty damn hot.

Benediction, by Perri.
Nestra: I was literally three-fourths of the way through this before I noticed that it was in second person. It's a beautifully absorbing road the show could have taken after the first season.

Designs on You, by Katie M.
Nestra: Luke and Grace fic for my birthday! I'll miss the show, but at least now Luke and Grace can live on happily in my imagination, and I can make this story part of my personal canon. The Grace voice is so great, funny and smart and sarcastic and honest.

Goodnight Moon, by Yahtzee.
Nestra: The story that made fandom cry. It's brilliant and poignant, and I avoided it for months because I am a wuss. But it is worth it. Just be prepared for the crying.

Bake Sale: A Mixed Media Collage, by melymbrosia.
Nestra: This story just goes beyond the show. And I loved the show, but this is something special. And I didn't even like Iris.

Lord Peter Wimsey

Ring Out, Wild Bells, to the Wild Sky, by Keswindhover.
Nestra: This is not an easy pairing to write, nor is it an easy style to imitate. But if you've been looking for Peter and Harriet fic, you're in luck.

Madeline L'Engle

Angels Unawares, by riverlight.
Nestra: The voice is perfect here, and the sense of love and faith and peace.

From Mathematics Further Off, by Fox1013.
Nestra: There's such affection and understanding for Meg here.

Heredity, by Sanj.
Nestra: This makes me want to go reread the books right now.


Wearing Trudy, by Julie Fortune.
Nestra: Monk frustrates me, because the show has amazing actors and amazing potential and manages to get it right about half of the time. This story treads the line between sad and funny that's the most compelling aspect of the show.

Mr. and Mrs. Smith

Mr. and Mrs. Smith Go to New Hampshire, by thefourthvine.
Nestra: Oh, yeah. Funny and sharp, and rather hot.

Pushover, by shalott.
Nestra: If you need any further proof of shalott's brilliance, look no further than the premise of this fic.


And Indeed There Will Be Time, by Signe.
Nestra: Lovely and strange, and righting a few wrongs.


Underbelly, by RuM.
Nestra: She was skinning a fresh kill when they came for her. She felt more than heard them come. A hunter has a sense for these things.


Every Good Girl Does Fine, by Charli J.
shrift: Patty and Marcie, in high school.

The Pretender

Chasing Cars, by anr.
Nestra: In Boston, Jarod's a shopping mall Santa Claus.

Permanent Vacation by Julie Fortune.
Shrift: Whoa. Miss Parker gets sent on vacation and Jarod follows...Julie totally nails Miss Parker. I'm highly impressed.

Six Feet Under

Sentimental Coffee Cups, by Michelle K.
Shrift: "Pregnant. Great. Now she can be on a Jerry Springer show -- "I'm having my gay boyfriend's baby!" -- and her whole family can be *so* proud of her."

Superman Returns

On our finger the ring awakes, by LC.
shrift: It's a gorgeous story about Richard and Lois. Oh, Richard. You really are pretty awesome.


Afternoon's Liberty, by Penknife.
Nestra: A really nice look at these two characters, affectionate but clear-headed at the same time, much like Jane.


Apologetic Camel, by Hel Virago.
Nestra: You have to love this for the title alone. The fact that the rest of the fic is hysterical is just the icing.

Jolly, by Fox1013.
shrift: It's the essence of the show, right here: "I don't do festive," Jaye said. "It's like asking Mickey Mouse to do a striptease. It makes everyone uncomfortable." Perfect. I love it.

nice things, by Pares.
Nestra: By all rights, this should be unbearably sappy, but Pares totally pulls it off. "You're glowing," Mahandra accused. "You promised not to do that. Money changed hands."

into the woods, peanuts, battlestar galactica, galaxy quest, six feet under, superman returns, daria, madeline l'engle, temeraire, mr and mrs smith, 10 things i hate about you, butch cassidy and the sundance kid, friday night lights, deadwood, neverwhere, narnia, invisible man, anne of green gables, joan of arcadia, bend it like beckham, lord peter wimsey, wonderfalls, .recs, monk

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