Women-Centric Fic 2011, 30 stories in 10 fandoms

Feb 14, 2012 00:24

Women-centric fic I posted in 2011. (Tags requested for: make it or break it, blue crush, dustland fairytale, sparrow hill road, and cursed.)

1. Not What You Think We Are
Livejournal | Dreamwidth | Archive of Our Own
Make It Or Break It, Emily Kmetko and Payson Keeler
Gen (with girl slash undertones)
Written for: turnonmyheels for Yuletide 2010
Word Count: 2100
Summary: Emily is not what they think she is, but only Payson sees.

2. Forgive Me Today, Love Me Tomorrow
Dreamwidth | Archive of Our Own
Blue Crush, Anne Marie Chadwick/Eden, Eden/Kala, Lena
Girl Slash, Het
Written for: catalinay for Yuletide 2010
Word Count: 1800
Summary: Anne Marie's afraid her mistakes may have cost her her family.

3. Glory Days
Livejournal | Dreamwidth | Dreamwidth
Blue Crush, Anne Marie Chadwick/Eden/Kala
Threesome, Het, Girl Slash, Boy Slash
Written for: catalinay for December Drabbles 2011
Word count: 1200
Summary: You're really gonna give it all up, your glory days?

4. Where the Wind Don't Blow and the Good Girls Die
Livejournal | Dreamwidth | Archive of Our Own
"Dustland Fairytale" by the Killers (music video)
Het, Boy Slash, Threesome
Written for: bewize for Yuletide 2010
Word Count: 2400
Summary: The decades disappeared like sinking ships, but finally Joey has come home.

5. Chasing Ghosts Down Sparrow Hill Road
Livejournal | Dreamwidth | Archive of Our Own
Sparrow Hill Road - Seanan McGuire
Written for: allfireburns for Yuletide 2010
Word Count: 2200
Summary: She’s not looking for a savior, she’s not looking for a ride,
And you shouldn’t go look for her if you’re not a suicide,
‘Cause it's been fifty years and nobody’s seen her lose.
"Pretty Little Dead Girl" Seanan McGuire

6. Undone
Livejournal | Dreamwidth | Archive of Our Own
Pretty Little Liars, Melissa Hastings/Spencer Hastings
Girl slash
Warning: incest, underage
Written for: summerstorm who requested Melissa/Spencer, the ties that bind, for THE BIG GIRLSLASH COMMENT FICATHON OF THE EARLY PART OF 2011
Word Count: 600
Summary: Spencer is very, very good at everything she does, but Melissa is absolutely perfect.

7. Just Like a Man
Livejournal | Dreamwidth | Archive of Our Own
Glee, Lauren Zizes/Noah Puckerman, Quinn Fabray, Artie Abrams, Kurt Hummel, Mercedes Jones, Rachel Berry, Finn Hudson
Written for: glee_fluff_meme
Word Count: 1600
Summary: I never knew the difference between bullshit and sincere, as long as it sounded good while coming out.

8. Re: Re: beta
Livejournal | Dreamwidth | Archive of Our Own
Glee, Lauren Zizes/Noah Puckerman, Sam Evans/Santana Lopez, Sam Evans/Quinn Fabray, Artie Abrams
Gen (Background Het)
Written for: glee_fluff_meme prompt
Word count: 2300
Summary: Quinn almost broke up with Sam the first time he told her she needed to consider lube in her guy slash.

9. This Doesn't Make Us Friends or Anything
Livejournal | Dreamwidth | Archive of Our Own
Glee, Lauren Zizes/Noah Puckerman, Rachel Berry, Tina Cohen-Chang, Finn Hudson, Mercedes Jones
Gen (Background Het)
Written for: glee_fluff_meme
Word Count: 1800
Summary: Lauren Zizes is a total badass, not the kind of person who cleans vomit off of someone she doesn't even really like.

10. Her Body is a Weapon
Livejournal | Dreamwidth | Archive of Our Own
Glee, Lauren Zizes/Noah Puckerman, Shannon Beiste
Gen (Background Het)
Written for: glee_fluff_meme
Word count: 2000
Summary: Beiste is probably the most badass adult Lauren's ever met.

11. Like Salt and Like Water
Livejournal | Dreamwidth | Archive of Our Own
Glee, Quinn Fabray/Brittany S. Pierce/Santana Lopez, Lauren Zizes/Noah Puckerman, Tina Cohen-Chang/Mike Chang, Mercedes Jones/Sam Evans, Blaine Anderson/Kurt Hummel, Rachel Berry/Finn Hudson, Matt Rutherford, Artie Abrams
Gen (Background Het, Boy Slash and Girl Slash)
Written for: llyfrgell in femslash11
Word count: 6000
Summary: Quinn spends a lot of the summer in the water, but no matter how long she floats, she can never wash herself clean.

No Such Thing As Too Much Love series

12. Lay Your Hands Upon Me
Livejournal | Dreamwidth | Archive of Our Own
Glee, Lauren Zizes/Noah Puckerman, Mike Chang/Tina Cohen-Chang
Series: No Such Thing As Too Much Love Story One
Het, Boy Cuddling
Written for: glee_fluff_meme
Word Count: 2900
Summary: It's not really a surprise that Puck's an equal-opportunity cuddler.

13. Touch Me There
Livejournal | Dreamwidth | Archive of Our Own
Glee, Mike Chang/Lauren Zizes, Mike Chang/Tina Cohen-Chang/Noah Puckerman/Lauren Zizes
Series: No Such Thing as Too Much Love Story Two
Poly, Het (Background Girl Slash and Boy Slash)
Written for: Multiship One-Sentence Meme
Word count: 1400
Summary: This Celibacy Club plan of Puck's really, really sucks.

14. Makes Me Shine
Livejournal | Dreamwidth | Archive of Our Own
Glee, Tina Cohen-Chang/Lauren Zizes, Tina Cohen-Chang/Mike Chang/Lauren Zizes, Tina Cohen-Chang/Mike Chang, Lauren Zizes/Noah Puckerman, Lauren Zizes/Noah Puckerman/Tina Cohen-Chang/Mike Chang
Series: No Such Thing as Too Much Love Story Three
Poly, Girl Slash (Background Het and Boy Slash)
Word count: 2000
Summary: The fact that this whole Celibacy Club plan makes them get creative kinda doesn't suck. Kinda.

15. Until I Feel Your Warmth
Livejournal | Dreamwidth | Archive of Our Own
Glee, Mike Chang/Tina Cohen-Chang/Lauren Zizes/Noah Puckerman
Series: No Such Thing as Too Much Love Story Four
Poly, Het, Girl Slash, Boy Slash
Word count: 2200
Summary: Date night started way back before they ever thought Mr. Schue would try to teach them sex ed.

Tied Up In Strings series (Glee poly family)

16. Gimme Some Signs (October 2012)
Livejournal | Dreamwidth | Archive of Our Own
Glee, Lauren Zizes/Noah Puckerman, Glee Poly Family
Series: Tied Up in Strings Story One
Poly, Het (Background Girl Slash and Boy Slash)
Word Count: 5000
Summary: Lauren Zizes turns nineteen far from home and all the people she loves cares for a lot.

17. Sometimes Lost (March 2011)
Livejournal | Dreamwidth | Archive of Our Own
Glee, Rachel Berry/Brittany S. Pierce, Glee Poly Family
Series: Tied Up In Strings Story Two
Gen (Background Girl Slash, Het)
Word Count: 1100
Summary: Brittany looks so sad where she sits on the piano, and Rachel cannot bring herself to walk away and leave her alone.

18. Tonight's Gonna Be a Good, Good Night (May 2012)
Livejournal | Dreamwidth | Archive of Our Own
Glee, Mercedes Jones/Sam Evans, Lauren Zizes/Noah Puckerman, Quinn Fabray, Blaine Anderson/Kurt Hummel, Matt Rutherford, Finn Hudson, Santana Lopez, Brittany S. Pierce, Tina Cohen-Chang, Mike Chang, Artie Abrams, Rachel Berry, Glee Poly Family
Series: Tied Up In Strings Story Three
Poly, Het (Background Girl Slash and Boy Slash)
Written for: glee_kink_meme
Word Count: 3000
Summary: Mercedes and Sam get up to a little good old parking lot hooking up fun at Prom.

19. The Heavens Hush Themselves to Hear (May 2017)
Livejournal | Dreamwidth | Archive of Our Own
Glee, Quinn Fabray/Sam Evans, Quinn Fabray/Noah Puckerman, Quinn Fabray/Lauren Zizes, Quinn Fabray, Sam Evans, Noah Puckerman, Lauren Zizes, Rachel Berry, Matt Rutherford, Mercedes Jones, Mike Chang, Tina Cohen-Chang, Brittany S. Pierce, Santana Lopez, Artie Abrams
Series: Tied Up In Strings Story Four
Poly, Het (Background Girl Slash)
Word count: 2000
Summary: Quinn has a confession to make.

20. Perfectly Good At It (December 2011)
Livejournal | Dreamwidth | Archive of Our Own
Glee, Lauren Zizes/Rachel Berry, Lauren/Brittany S. Pierce, Lauren/Tina Cohen-Chang, Lauren/Noah Puckerman, Glee Poly Family
Series: Tied Up in Strings Story Five
Poly, Girl Slash (Background Het)
Word count: 3000
Summary: Rachel Berry has a request for one Lauren Zizes, resident badass.

The Marching Band Refused to Yield series (marching band au)

21. Burn This Town Down Tonight
Livejournal: Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four | Dreamwidth: Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four | Archive of Our Own
Glee, Lauren Zizes/Noah Puckerman, Tina Cohen-Chang/Mike Chang, Mercedes Jones, Quinn Fabray, Kurt Hummel, Blaine Anderson, Matt Rutherford, Finn Hudson, Santana Lopez, Brittany S. Pierce, Sam Evans, Will Schuester (later stories will include Blaine/Kurt, Santana/Brittany, and Artie Abrams, plus other pairings)
Series: The Marching Band Refused to Yield Story One
Written for: sotto_voice
Word count: 13,500
Summary: You'd think by now they would be prepared for how wild band camp gets, but Lauren Zizes didn't see these two weeks coming.

22. (My Heart) Beats Like a Drum
Livejournal | Dreamwidth | Archive of Our Own
Glee, Lauren Zizes/Noah Puckerman, Tina Cohen-Chang/Mike Chang, Matt Rutherford, Kurt Hummel, Mercedes Jones, Quinn Fabray
Series: The Marching Band Refused to Yield Story Three
Written for: sotto_voice
Word Count: 6200
Summary: Lauren Zizes does not run away from anyone.

23. Stray Too Far
Livejournal | Dreamwidth | Archive of Our Own
Glee, Quinn Fabray, Mercedes Jones, Wes, David, Lauren Zizes, Lauren Zizes/Noah Puckerman
Series: The Marching Band Refused to Yield Story Four
Gen (Background Het)
Written for: sotto_voice
Word count: 2800
Summary: Quinn’s infinitely happier living here than with her parents, but sometimes the loneliness gets to her still.

24. Where I Can Do No Harm
Livejournal | Dreamwidth | Archive of Our Own
Glee, Tina Cohen-Chang/Mike Chang, Matt Rutherford, Lauren Zizes
Written for: sotto_voice
Series: The Marching Band Refused to Yield Story Five
Word count: 3000
Summary: Date night becomes date weekend when Tina's parents go out of town.

25. What Have I Become?
Livejournal | Dreamwidth | Archive of Our Own
Glee, Lauren Zizes/Noah Puckerman, Tina Cohen-Chang/Mike Chang, Quinn Fabray, Santana Lopez
Series: The Marching Band Refused to Yield Story Six
Gen (Background Het)
Written for: sotto_voice
Word count: 5500
Summary: Lauren must face what she has become.

26. We're Dynamite *clap* *clap* We're Dynamite
Livejournal | Dreamwidth | Archive of Our Own
Glee, Lauren Zizes/Noah Puckerman, Tina Cohen-Chang/Mike Chang, Blaine Anderson/Kurt Hummel, Mercedes Jones, Sam Evans, Santana Lopez/Brittany S. Pierce, Rachel Berry, Quinn Fabray, Wes, David, Shannon Beiste, Will Schuester
Series: The Marching Band Refused to Yield Story Eight
Het, Boy Slash, Girl Slash
Written for: sotto_voice
Word count: 5000
Summary: It's finally time for the first home game of the year.

27. Another Confession to Make
Dreamwidth | Archive of Our Own
Glee/Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Veruca, Lauren Zizes/Noah Puckerman, Mike Chang/Tina Cohen-Chang, Blaine Anderson/Kurt Hummel, Santana Lopez/Brittany S. Pierce, Sam Evans, Mercedes Jones, Quinn Fabray, Rachel Berry
Gen (Background Het, Girl Slash, Boy Slash)
Written for: carlyinrome who basically made my life complete by suggesting that Veruca and Lauren were cousins in a family through which lycanthropy ran. Many thanks to mari_luvs_gcfa for introducing me to "Gorgeous Nightmare."
Word count: 3500
Summary: I've got another confession to make / So complicated let me try to explain.

28. Howl at the Moon
Dreamwidth | Archive of Our Own
Crossover, Ginger Snaps/Cursed, Ginger/Ellie (TWO NEW FANDOMS)
Girl Slash (Background Threesome, Boy Slash and Het)
Written for: femslash_today's Fireworks 11: The Semi-Annual Porn Battle
Word count: 1500
Summary: When she asks, how do you live with being so much less, Ellie doesn't have an answer.

29. Underneath Your Skin
Livejournal | Dreamwidth | Archive of Our Own
Fairy Tales: Little Red Riding Hood, Red/Wolf
Written for: aphrodite_mine for December Drabbles 2011
Warning: Character death
Word count: 2000
Summary: Red will hunt forever to keep her family safe.

30. I'm Awake (and Alive)
Livejournal | Dreamwidth | Archive of Our Own
Buffy the Vampire Slayer/The Lost Boys, Faith/Oz
Gen, Het
Written for: aea for December Drabbles 2011
Word count: 1500
Summary: I'm at war with the world / and they try to pull me into the dark.

fairy tales, pretty little liars, glee, .fanfic, ginger snaps, btvs/angel

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