Women-centric fic

Feb 04, 2012 15:43

Unfortunately I don't have much time to write fic or meta at the moment, but I thought I'd take a leaf out of some other members' books and share the woman-centric fic I've written over the past twelve months.

In the Files (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine) Kira-centric gen, with Dax and some OFCs. A story about sabotage, mothers and daughters, the ties of duty. And paperwork.

A Child of Our Time (Doctor Who). "She's our grandaughter, sweetie". River Song meets the First Doctor.

The Gifts of the Prophets. (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine). Kai Winn, gen. Winn loves being a vedek. Mostly. Sometimes she ha her doubts. (Contains religious angst).

In Search of a Big Picture. (Vorkosiverse) Gen. Martya Koudelka seeks careers advice from Cordelia.

The Luck Piece (John Buchan - Huntingtower). Gen. Phemie Morran receives an unexpected souvenir.

Just Like Old Times. (John Buchan - The Three Hostages. Gen Mary Hannay, secret agent.

Unfinished Business. (Doctor Who). Het, mature. Liz Gordon/ Brigadier Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart. Liz has put her life with UNIT, and her UST with the Brigadier behind her. Only then she runs into him again...

doctor who, star trek: ds9, .fanfic, vorkosigan saga

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