FIC: "Pioneer" Start Trek, Amanda Grayson

Feb 03, 2012 13:54

100 words, all ages, not mine. As Amanda prepares to leave for Vulcan, she reflects on her pioneering ancestry.

Amanda Grayson's uncountable-times-great grandparents had come to America as part of one of the first European settlements on the continent. Slightly more recent ancestors had joined the country's westward expansion. Her great-grandmother had been one of the first babies born on a space station, and later joined one of the earliest extrasolar colonies.

Amanda was certain that every one of her pioneering ancestors had been warned by well-meaning loved ones of the dangers and hardships they might face in their new home. As she packed to leave for Vulcan, she was profoundly grateful that she had their examples to follow.

star trek, .fanfic

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