Just a Little List (2010 female-centered fic)

Feb 12, 2011 08:57

I didn't get done what I wanted to this year, but I love this community, and as I write female-centered fic pretty much year round, I thought I'd go ahead and link my past year's output here. Mostly Babylon 5, with one Buckaroo Banzai piece, and a Being Human short fic. Three of these were written for femgenficathon  this past year, one was my entry for babylon5_love  month. One is an update to an epic 'Susan Ivanova and Delenn rule the Universe' story; if you end up curious the various parts are all tagged 'S&D'.

One of my favorite things about Babylon 5 is the strong, kick-ass women. They weren't used enough or to their full potential, but the show did pretty well, and filling in those gaps? That's what fic is for!

The Ship Who Squealed (B5, Susan Ivanova & Marcus Cole)

Enemy in the Mirror (B5, Delenn)

Chick Flick
(B5, Susan Ivanova & Delenn, part of The Excellent Adventures of Susan and Delenn)

Chocolate Chip Cookies (Buckaroo Banzai, Penny Priddy &  Mrs. Johnson, femgenficathon  entry)

A Nice Cup of Tea (Being Human, Annie Sawyer, femgenficathon  entry)

Never Give Up  (B5, Lise Garibaldi, femgenficathon  entry)

Memory and Hope (B5, Anna Kellar (Anna Sheridan-to-be) & Lizzie Sheridan, babylon5_love  month entry)

I'll Be Seeing You
(B5, Delenn) (This one is rather shippy in flashbacks, but takes place long after John Sheridan's death)

Christmas in Geneva (B5, Susan Ivanova)

babylon 5, .fanfic, being human

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