February drabbletag at where_no_woman

Feb 10, 2011 17:29

where_no_woman is a multi-canon Star Trek comm for promoting fanworks about all of the female characters in the Trekiverse, from Number One to Janeway to Gaila and back again. We want your gen, your het, your femslash, your acrostic poem about Unnamed Female Alien #13 that is currently occupying a lonely corner in your picspam file. :D

Today we launched our first ever drabble tag event, with the theme of "Love...Is a Many Splendored Thing?"  Come on over and drabble with us!!  Or if you're not in the mood for drabbling, stop by any time to share your fic/vids/icons/recs or participate in our exchanges and challenges--we have a new one about once a month.

(p.s. membership and posting to the comm is currently moderated because of multiple attacks by trojan-planting spambots of evil, but all requests for membership and posts by non-spambots will be approved.)

star trek, .communities & websites

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