3 drabbles featuring Ladies in Law Enforcement, PG

Feb 02, 2011 23:04

Target (Rachel Brooks, Justified)

Rachel squinted hard at the target and squeezed off another round. Their branch of the Marshall’s office was developing quite the identity. Another sharp-shooter, Raylan Givens, was joining the ranks today. Wasn’t it enough that she had Art and Tim to deal with? She had an appreciation for decent weaponry and ammo as much as the next girl (in Kentucky at least), but didn’t these guys see the possibility of talking their way through a crisis situation? She passed all the exams, fulfilled all the requirements to become a U.S. Marshall, but some days she felt that she was just there to fill a quota.

She fired off the final round, then brought the target in for a closer view. One jagged hole through the center. She holstered her firearm and smiled. She was ready.

Ending (Dani Reese, Life)

In the end, it wasn’t the drugs, it wasn’t carrying on with her partner or with various lowlifes, it wasn’t the suspension from the department that led to their rift. In the end, it was a question, a few words that cast a different light on everything she had been led to believe about her father.

Dad, did you send an innocent man to jail?

The man who had been with her at her graduation from the police academy, who’d bandaged skinned knees, who’d told her she was beautiful on more times than she cared to count... that man gave her an icy glare from across the table and told her in a quiet voice to “get out.”

Perspective (Jane Seever, Life)

Jane had always seen life one way - all roads pointing to a glowing political future. Being a member of the LAPD was just a stepping stone, from there a move to captain, then to mayor, and from there maybe the governor’s mansion. So, being assigned to sit in a squad car next to a man who believed totally in living in the moment had quite an impact. She found herself acting more spontaneously, allowing herself to go with the flow, and letting go of those set-in-stone plans that she’d made. It was a revelation, and like the book of the Bible that she’d read as a child in Sunday school, this revelation meant the end of her carefully controlled world.

justified, life, .fanfic

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