The Hobbit fic: "My Adventure" (Belladonna Took)

Feb 03, 2011 17:18

Er, new here, and if I did something wrong in this post please tell me.

TITLE: My Adventure
AUTHOR: Thimble
SUMMARY: Young Miss Belladonna finds herself an adventure, with Elves, Bandits, Wargs, Goblins, One Wizard, Exploring Underground, and a Journey to the Sea.
CHARACTERS: Belladonna Took, Gandalf, OCs, Bungo Baggins, Supporting Cast
CATEGORY: Adventure
WARNINGS/NOTES: More in the style of The Hobbit than Lord of the Rings. There will be verse. I dunno why no-one ever writes about Bilbo's Mum. Canonically, she's awesome enough to impress Gandalf, who's seen a lot.
LENGTH: Eight chapters.
DISCLAIMER: Not mine, making no money.

Link to entry

lord of the rings, .fanfic

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