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Comments 2108

Valentine Wiggin: Ender's Game quinby February 1 2011, 15:00:13 UTC
Valentine is mostly-ignored by her fandom, however, she is one of the strongest characters in the canon. Her emotional strength and determination is bar none.

And it's just awesome when you have a ten-year-old taking over the world with her brother.

Some people do love Val, but most people gravitate towards others, such as Petra or Virlomi.


Re: Valentine Wiggin: Ender's Game rose_griffes February 1 2011, 19:18:27 UTC
Yay, Valentine! Teeny commentfic I wrote about her.

I love her because she's the rock, the strength of her family. But she doesn't stop at being a supportive sister. She literally changes the universe with her words.


Re: Valentine Wiggin: Ender's Game rhipowered February 1 2011, 19:21:42 UTC
Val has always been my favourite. I wish there was far more of her. I'm also fond of Jane.


Re: Valentine Wiggin: Ender's Game sour_idealist February 1 2011, 23:46:27 UTC
Val is the greatest. I think my favorite thing is the way she reclaims the Demosthenes persona from Peter, but she's just all-around awesome.


Sgt. Sally Donovan: Sherlock (BBC) sophiap February 1 2011, 15:29:12 UTC
Alas, Sally is often disliked for daring to dislike the titular hero of the series. She doesn't have many appearances, but there's something intriguing about why she dislikes Sherlock so much, and why she would go out of her way to warn John about trying to be friends with him.

It's also nice when we get to see her being competent and professional.


Re: Sgt. Sally Donovan: Sherlock (BBC) evewithanapple February 1 2011, 15:37:59 UTC
I love Sally! Though I don't think her dislike of Sherlock is all that mysterious- if you're a cop, and deal with dead bodies and grieving relatives all day, a guy who bounces gleefully around the crime scene and treats the whole thing as a game is bound to get on your nerves. Plus, Sherlock's kind of a dick.


Re: Sgt. Sally Donovan: Sherlock (BBC) gwynevere1 February 4 2011, 21:50:24 UTC
IAWTC. I imagine that Sally must also resent the freedom with which a "consulting detective" can operate, while, as a police officer, she has to follow procedure, obtain warrants, etc. Of course, it's going to be easier to solve cases if you can break-and-enter and do as you please with no consequences. You know that, if Sally were to break the rules because she felt like it, the powers that be would come down twice are hard on her as another police officer, probably arguing that she was being too emotionally involved or something.


Re: Sgt. Sally Donovan: Sherlock (BBC) himhilien February 4 2011, 22:10:20 UTC


BSG (reboot), Anastasia Dualla fallingtowers February 1 2011, 15:48:20 UTC
Like last year, I'm throwing Dee into the mix. The poor woman gets so much flak in fandom for getting in the way of a popular pairing when she's simply a quiet, competent young officer who is thrown, like so many others, into the most horrible scenario ever and tries to be make the best out of that situation for herself -- and loses hope completely in the end. :( She deserves better than the fate the writers gave her and she certainly deserves better than the character-bashing I've seen directed at her.


Re: BSG (reboot), Anastasia Dualla penny_lane_42 February 1 2011, 16:16:29 UTC
I adore Dee. I don't know whether to be more upset at the writers or at fandom for the treatment of her. Gah.


(spoilers) be_themoon February 1 2011, 16:48:55 UTC
Deeeeee, baby. I do ship Starbuck/Apollo, but I always thought, romantic sensibilities aside, Dee was probably better for him than Starbuck ever would have been. Not to mention Dee was amazing. :( Her death really made me unhappy. I wanted her to get a happy ending!


Re: (spoilers) agnes_bean February 2 2011, 00:20:47 UTC
Word to ALL of this. I shipped Starbuck/Apollo too, but that doesn't stop Dee from being amazing.


(The comment has been removed)

Re: Guinevere (Merlin) bofoddity February 1 2011, 16:26:58 UTC
I love Gwen so damn much. I love that her strength is quiet in nature and her badassery is subtle and that her warmth, compassion and humor are so obvious in contrast. Merlin-fandom needs to get their fairy murderers in line!


Re: Guinevere (Merlin) be_themoon February 1 2011, 16:50:24 UTC
oh, Gwen! I had a friend who called her a slut, and I hadn't realized I loved her that much until I started seeing red and actually went to battle for her in comments. I don't generally get engaged. It's dangerous! BUT I WOULD FOR GWEN. <33333



Re: Guinevere (Merlin) fruhlings February 1 2011, 17:39:45 UTC
Gwen is absolutely lovely! ♥


ASOIAF: Lady Catelyn Stark fallingtowers February 1 2011, 15:57:51 UTC
One of the many important POV characters in a fantasy series, Lady Catelyn seems to be hated for being a female character acting within the constraints of traditional feminitiy in her world: as a noblewoman conscious of her family's position, a ruling lord's wife, and a mother of several children whom she tries to protect from utter ruin. She can be petty (esp. towards her stepson) or short-sighted (when it comes to choosing people to trust), but she is resourceful, has a great deal of common sense in other situations, never shirks from doing her duty, is mature and warm-hearted, and tries to give good and careful counsel. Gracious would be the very word to describe her, and I HATE it when people call her bland or mean or whiney or boring. So there.


Re: ASOIAF: Lady Catelyn Stark owlmoose February 1 2011, 16:10:30 UTC
*yes* Cat is tough, she is fierce, and when she had every reason just to curl up in a ball and die, she stood up and did what she believes needs to be done for her family and her land. I so agree with you.

Relatedly, I think all the hate directed toward Sansa Stark is a bit much. Yes, she is spoiled and whiny for much of the first book, and she makes some poor choices that result in tragedy, for herself and others. But she pays for those choices tenfold, and I think the way she reacts shows her to be every bit as strong and resourceful as her mother.


Re: ASOIAF: Lady Catelyn Stark fallingtowers February 1 2011, 19:06:29 UTC
I agree with you wrt Sansa. She even has her own thread now!


Re: ASOIAF: Lady Catelyn Stark meganbmoore February 1 2011, 17:10:59 UTC
Catelyn is my favorite character and I started talking about the series assuming everyone would naturally love her, and then...fandom.


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