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Comments 21

tokenblkgirl February 15 2010, 01:22:14 UTC
This is so lovely, I got pretty emotional just reading it. A beautiful tribute to a wonderful character.


akeyoftime February 15 2010, 20:54:11 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad to see that so many people have commented to share in the affection.


(The comment has been removed)

akeyoftime February 15 2010, 20:52:48 UTC
It's hardly a celebration if I leave everyone feeling mopey! I'm you liked the picspam.


cynicalshadows February 15 2010, 01:59:50 UTC
I so wish we could have gotten more of Dee apart from the Sam/Kara/Lee/Dee clusterfrak too. Once that began, it seemed like she was just around as an obstacle to Kara/Lee, and I hated that because in the earlier seasons she was such an interesting character. I remember being shocked when she committed suicide. It gutted me really.


akeyoftime February 15 2010, 20:57:28 UTC
I'm fairly certain I sat around in shock for a good while after Dee's death, even as the rest of the episode kept moving forward. There's definitely a lot more to work with in the early seasons; I'm sorry too that they stopped writing Dee in a well-rounded way later on.


penny_lane_42 February 15 2010, 02:08:39 UTC
This is absolutely beautiful. She's a truly underrated character and a wonderfully complex one. Thanks for this tribute!


akeyoftime February 15 2010, 20:54:40 UTC
I'm so glad you liked it!


emmiere February 15 2010, 02:42:38 UTC
Oh, Dee! All the joy and heartbreak.

This is lovely. I love that you celebrate her as an individual and as a person within her relationships. And that you place her as an 'everyman'(er, so to speak ;)) for the show, because YES, and I hear Chief given this role and used it myself before 4.5 at least, but she's better and is easier for me to identify with in that anyway. <3

ETA: The smiling of that deleted scene (which I haven't seen, woe!) just makes my heart ache. So good!


akeyoftime February 15 2010, 20:42:42 UTC
The idea of Dee as an everyman hadn't occurred to me until I was rewatching season one to get a reminder of her early arc, but it pops up again and again, and I think that's a part of what her death was about. Chief takes over the role in season three or maybe even earlier, but I think she does a much better job of it early on. And agreed, I identify with her much more strongly anyway.

(The scene is on YouTube here!)


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